
Hamster with diarrhea...?

by  |  earlier

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This evening, I've been to clean my hamster's cage. I've noticed that she has had a significant amount of diarrhea. I don't think it is wet tail, though.

The diarrhea is chocolate coloured and she seems healthy enough in herself. No pain visible, quite happy to eat and drink, wondering about the cage normally. She does seem to have an itch in her ear, which she is rubbing every few minutes and is scratching around her back. I assume the scratching is due to the fact that she isn't totally clean, however, she is attempting to sort it out.

She's leaving a trail of diarrhea and I don't know how to keep her clean. It's too late for the vet, but I will take her tomorrow.

Any advice in the meantime?




  1. Awww... poor sweetie... I hope you get her better.

    This WILL sound mean, but try it. If you have a bathtub, put it just enough water so it's about the width of her, so about an inch. Let her swim for a few seconds. (If you don't have a bathtub, a sinks fine.) Then just get like a container or a bowl to scoop her out. Put her in a washcloth, and dry her off. Lastly, get an old soft toothbrush  to "comb" her. I REALLY Hope she gets better.


  2. Make sure she keeps hydrated.  Diarrhea dehydratest the body.

  3. If I were you, I'd put her down.

  4. the hamster might die if it has diarrhea. how old is it?

  5. Keep her hydrated and I would change to no bedding right now. I had a hamster that had diarrhea, and it was too late for me to take her to a vet so the emergency clinic told me to get rid of the bedding and use paper towels for the moment (it keeps her behind from getting way too dirty) Watch her carefully and make sure you don't see blood coming out, or her r****m. If she gets too stressed diarrhea may cause r****m prolapse which is an emergency and will need to be treated right away. Sounds like your hamsters doing good, and you caught it early enough that she will be fine, once you take her to the vet. Here's a site that might help you more than I can: I used it to consult on anything that happened with my hamsters. Hope I helped! Good luck!

  6. check with the pet shop or vet to make sure she does not ha wet tail (might cause death) get her check quick or it might be fatal!!!

  7. since you're taking her to the vet tomorrow give her a small amount of uncooked rolled oats. it will help the diarrhea to stop until she sees the doctor. and offer pedialyte or powerade zero if she seems dehydrated.

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