
Hamsters and Parents...?

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How do I persuade my dad to let me get a hamster?

He said he doesnt want the smell.

My mom has no prob.

And I am fully capable of paying for the cage and hamster itself (babysitting and job)

I'm 14 with good grades, I clean the house, and look after my bros...




  1. try to explain to your dad that hamsters are really clean the cleanest of all rodents they don,t stink just clean the cage once a week try to explain that to him try to explain to him how much it means to you your 14 your mature to do that they don't stink take care of it properly there pine bedding or what ever type of wood shavings you use smell nice if anything.

  2. If you clean the hamsters cage regularly enough (every week) and what everything every month, the hamster nor cage should smell. You can buy this bedding stuff that makes any cage smells go to absalout 0 you can buy it at most pet stores.

  3. the smell doesnt stink up your room just next to the cage so not much a problem with  the smell and i think theres stuff you can get too put in ur cage, odor control thing, my hamster has treats that dont make her cage smell that bad when u clean it good luck

  4. Dear Hamster and Parent Inquirer,

    To answer your dad's concern about smell.. hamsters generally do not smell unless you do not clean their cage often. I do recommend you cleaning their cage at least once a week, if not two.

    I will need to speak to you about how to clean the cage, so when you're ready, go to my profile and e-mail me.

    I would suggest that you speak to your dad about the responsibilities you already have in your household, and convince him that you are ready to take on this one.

    If your dad still says no, give it some time, let the subject be, and then come back to him. Sometimes he is just not in the mood for a pet in the house.

    Best of luck,

    Pet Rodent Expert

  5. Print out info about Hamsters, here is some I found! :)

    Then go even farther by:

    -Finding the EXACT breed you want

    -Finding the store/shelter that it is at

    -Picking out an EXACT cage

    -Picking out the food/toys/vitamins/ball for it

    -Picking out a name

    -Making a chart showing how much it will cost you by week/month year and how you can keep up the costs.

    This is how I convinced my parents to get me a guinea:

    -Being super clean around the house

    -Making a plan to keep the cats away from the cage

    -Doing extra chores

    -Talking about it responsibly

    -Come back with a GOOD counter argument for every point my mom had.

    -Talked about it a little each day, mentioned a cute name. My friends hamster, how much I had done that week till my parents gave in.

    Good Luck! :)

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