
Hamsters are nocturnal right.But my hamsters are sleeping at night and playing in the day what should i do.?

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they are awake from 6 to 9 and are asleep from 9 to 6.What should I do?




  1. let it be sheesh whats so wrong bout your hamster being hamster sleeps for 24 hours everyday

    oh wait

    oh god!!!

    oh yeah chris get a life

  2. be happy

    my hamster does nothing.

    he is so boring

    he just sits there cleaning himself..

    its quite funny!


  3. nothing tell them their good little hamsters ,the last thing you want is them running their tiny feet on that wheel all night . sooooo noisy ,will keep ya awake.

  4. That doesn't sound too bad, it actually sounds pretty good, my hamster used to sleep all night and was awake all day, she was really great fun, we called her Chrissy but sadly, after only a year, she died :'(

    Trust me, don't do anything... Just be happy!

    Your hamster is strange in a good way!!!



  5. You should be greatful their not keeping you awake through the night, they sound like the perfect hamsters to me!!!

  6. What brilliant hamsters!  I remember as a kid being very disappointed that my hamster would sleep all day and make a racket at night.  You should breed them and sell them as 'daytime hamsters', they would be very popular!

  7. They are faulty. Take them back to the shop where you bought them from and demand proper hamsters!

    The hamsters have no right to sleep in the day. Have you told the faulty little critters that you paid good money for them and that you work your fingers to the bone just to keep them in seeds and water?

    How very dare they! Naughty little hamsters, indeed! So take them back and get proper ones that are awake all day to keep you happy.

  8. move to austrailia

  9. Enjoy them.  What does it matter?

  10. it might just mean something was keeping them awake in the day and they just got used to sleeping in the night or the room you are keeping them in might not be the right light for the time of day but either way it would be nice to have a non nocturnal hamster that doesn't keep you up all night but if you don't like your hamsters might even go back to being nocturnal.

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