
Hamsters fought! help!?

by  |  earlier

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So, what happened was that i was cleaning my room and my sister was looking at my hamster with her hamster in her hand. her hamster jumped out and they started fighing. i seperated them in time. but, her hamster has a little scratch right below his eye. my hamster is new, hers is old. they are both males. We know not to put them together if they are different litters. One hamster just jumped out of a hand. how do you heal his cut? and What can you give them to nuture them back to health?




  1. you will just have to let time take care of that ok

  2. you put a wet cloth on the cut to get any dirt or other stuff out so it won`t get in fected and do that everyday till it heals

  3. almost the exact same thing happened with my hammie, and my brothers, nothing serious happened but they were rolling all around fighting, use a wet cloth to keep it clean everyday, if it looks like its getting worse call a vet.

    also do not keep them anywhere near each-other, since they are both males, this makes it even worse, if u want a social small pet, i suggest 2 get 2 ratties, i have 2 and they luv 2 play with eachother, and they are very intelligent animals

  4. Mild cuts to eyes in hamsters will cure themselves in a few days. You may see some swelling for the next two days but it would eventually heal out itself. Just give your hamster lots of nutritious food, clean water and a clean cage since a healthy hamster can heal faster and better.

    If you feel that the eye in itself may be scratched (if you see redness, swelling or discharge from the eye), this can be treated by mixing half a cup of sterile (boiled and cooled) water with a teaspoon of boric acid powder (available from a chemist or pharmacy) and using an eye dropper to bathe the eye twice or three times a day.

  5. Well try to keep it clean. Just give it some time and keep his cage clean. GJ for breaking up the fight before something even more serious happened.

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