
Hamstring strain will not fully heal??

by  |  earlier

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about 5 weeks ago i had strained my hamstring at track and i was told that it a grade 1 strain meaning that it would he heal within 4 eeks...and it did but not fully because with all the time thats past it has never healed fully to the point were i can fully sprint without it hurting afterwards, what can i do to make it fully heal and strengthen it??




  1. You most likely never let it heal fully in the first place.  Give it a week off (as in do not do anything which requires exertion from your legs).  Then start doing light stretching (no pain should be experienced), biking (again, should be pain-free), and light lifting (prone leg curls are usually best, 2-4 sets of 15-20 reps, light weight, 30-60 seconds between sets), and finish with light stretching and ice.

    Injuries are frustrating but will get increasingly frustrating if you ignore them or try to come back too quickly.

  2. Once you are recovered enough try 'negative' glute/ham raises. Kneel down on floor with feet under a couch or chair.  Then lower your upper body to the floor. Work up to 10-20 reps then add weight and work back up. These totally helped my hamstring problems.  

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