
Hand-Me-Down Clothing...?

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What are your feelings on someone offering to give your child clothing that their children have outgrown? These are nice Name-Brand clothing.Abercrombie,*Famous,*Dee *Cee etc..ALL Gently Used..would you be offended or okay with it? I'm wondering whether I should offer it to acquaintances that have kids just younger and/or smaller than mine that could use it or if I should just give it to Good-Will...Would you want it offered or would you be offended?




  1. god no, I am not that stuck up. I would appreciate it.

  2. I really appreciate the offer of clothes but i do know some people who dont,which i find sooo strange as kids grow out of them so quick. So you could just ask in a way that would be easy for them to say yes or no , Like` i was gonna give these clothes to goodwill unless you wanted them?` ?

  3. I would be greatly appreciative--even if they weren't name-brand clothing!!

    Clothes are expensive and with everything else being so expensive as well, it's nice to have a little help here and there. Of course, I don't come from a wealthy family and surely don't have a ton of extra money myself so maybe that's why I feel this way...

  4. If you need them, use them.

    I'm not a big fan of hand-me-downs but that's just my weird OCD's.

    I'm not going to say my daughter doesn't have some.  We went through the clothes, picked out the best looking/least stained clothes, and gave the rest away.

    However, if I receive anymore, they're going to the Crisis Pregnancy center for people who need them more than myself

  5. I feel as if you are not rich you should accept the clothing.Me personally wear used clothes and my kids name brand used clothes from consignment shops.Kids grow so fast so buying them at half prices is a help.My kids have garbage bags of name brand clothes from garage sales some new some slightly used.Take the clothes wash them up iron them its all the same.They probably only wear it a few times anyway.Kids grow up fast these days.

  6. Heck no! especially Abercrombie!!!!! I would be glad!!!! Any hand me down in good condition are always appreciated, at least amongst my group of friends..........

  7. I would love it and appreciate the thought. Money is always tight and kids esp. boys go through clothes fast!! Then again I also shop at GoodWill too. Id rather give my $ to support a place that in return gives to others and when its time I give them back so they can be resold. Personally no offense would be taken.

  8. Almost my daughter's entire collection of clothing is hand me downs.  I appreciate it more than I could ever have imagined before.  She is a typical 2 year old and constantly getting into the dirt and having a ball.  This way I don't mind if she gets a small tear in a shirt or something. ALSO, when I see something really cute I don't feel bad buying it for her because I don't really spend money on her clothes :)

  9. I have had hand me downs for both my boys I figure as long as there is no stains no tears etc then why turn them down.  I don't have to have name brand stuff either like some do.  They grow out of the clothes too fast to spend the high price of some of the new items.  

    Yes I would use them if they were the appropriate size.  No I would not be offended if someone offered me clothing that their children had outgrown.  I would be honored in fact if someone offered me gently used name brand clothing.

    I donate a lot of items to people that couldn't otherwise afford certain things as long as they aren't stained or torn and if they are then I just toss them I only give what I would like have given to me.I was raised that you don't look a gift horse in the mouth and if people are willing to give you something then you respectful take it if needed or tell them thank you but I cannot use those items at this time.

  10. OMG take the clothes. Whether you can afford clothes for your child or not isn't better to have them for free. Kids clothes aren't cheap.

  11. Oh my goodness...getting hand me downs are a GODSEND esp if your tight on funds!! my nephew gets all my sons out grown clothes...its like a right of passage in my family lol!!!

  12. I would gladly take them. Offer them and tell them it is OK to continue to pass on whatever they can't/don't use.

    If for nothing else my children have always had hand-me-downs and clothes from goodwill for play clothes.

    Clothes are sooo expensive and kids grow out of them so fast I take anything I can get.

    If you have acquaintances with kids that they would fit offer them by all means. If you can't find any takers offer them to your church. Most churches have a "coat closet" or a charity/shelter they donate to so do a good deed and pass them on!

    Have a great day

  13. I have a friend who had her baby boy exactly one year before I had my baby boy.  She gave me a huge bag of clothes to last up to his 6 month.  I was very happy to receive it and look forward to getting more later.  I want to pay it forward by giving it to another friend of mine.  I understand your concern, because you never know how some people feel about the subject.  Some new mothers want everything bright, shiny and new for their babies. If your friends, or acquaintances are practical they would appreciate the clothes. Only you know your friends.

  14. I would not be offended.  Kids grow out of clothes so fast that it is a HUGE expense.  You could just casually mention to acquaintances how fast your little ones have grown out of these clothes and that it's a shame because they are so nice.  Ask them if they, or anyone else they know would like to go through them.  Let them come by and pick the ones they want so it doesn't feel like you are unloading your unwanted 'stuff' on them.  

    also- i just read an article about sarah jessica parker and she only uses hand me downs for her son.  And we all know she isn't hurting for money!

  15. I was so happy when everyone offered me their clothes when I had my daughter. She will now be 1 this month and I still have yet to buy her anything she needs. It has been such a huge help. I do remember not wanting it at first just because it was my first baby and I had in my head that she needs all new things but I'm so glad I took it. Baby clothes can be so expensive. You should offer it. Tell them if they don't take it you will just be giving it to good will. My mother practically lives at saint vincents. shes over there everyday buying my daughter books and clothes and toys. She spent a total of $60 once and was able to set up the spare room in her home and her place of business ( she and my dad have their own business and the back was built to be lived in). My mom has more stuff than I do and half the stuff I have now she bought for me. I love everything. Now I'm expecting my second daughter next month and am prepared for her as well. When my daughters are finished with all their clothes and my husband and I are done having kids I will be offering all my stuff to anyone who is expecting.

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