
Hand of the day XXVI, part 3: a course in garbage hands?

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here's part 2 if you missed it or need a refresher:;_ylt=Aj1ZpABw_62oXM2sKPwwHbdIzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080526192936AA3Y8Vg

now, let's say you just make the call on the flop...the turn is the Jc, and now your opponent makes a huge overbet, betting 7,000 into the 3,500 pot...what's the play?




  1. This is a little too easy. You should make it hard by saying he bet 2.5 k into 3.5k. Then it would be somewhat easier to justify a call or a raise.

    Oppenents hand looks like 2pair +. Even an agressive player with AA would probaly slow down. I put them on 89.

    In this spot, we have 3 options.

    The first is to just call. This is the worst option because the pot odds dont justify it at all. At best we have 14 outs. Unfortuantly, its rarely that high and even if it was, we still wouldnt get the odds to call.

    The second is to raise. We would have to risk almost our whole stack to accomplish this and we are only semibluffing to the 5 high flush. There are several factors that convince me to raise.

    1. Tight oppenent. They bluff less, and even overbet less.

    2. If we bluff and they call or raise, our tournament life is now on life support. On the other hand, if we fold, not much is effected.

    3. The flush we are drawing to is too low. The trip or 2 pair hands we are drawing too are often not good on this board.

    Pretty simple 3 second decision.


    Edit: you know, i actually thought about how you could take the pot away later on cards like the 8 or the 4, but there is 2 problems with this.

    1. You dont know your oppenent except that hes tight. For example, he might not even be able to fold AA on a 3 flush board and 4 straight board.

    2. Your oppenent could already have a straight.

  2. i woulda folded preflop, but here it's a call or even reraise. an overbet like this indicates fear. however, you probably need to hit either the flush or straight to win.

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