
Hand speed and foot speed at 40?

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We all know that most fighters lose speed as they age. What special training should boxers use to hold onto speed as they age?




  1. Honestly, there is no way an old athlete can retain the speed of youth.

    George Foreman made an amazing comeback, but if you compare his aggression and speed pre and post comeback, there is no comparison. He made it to another world championship because he was a great fighter, but the speed was all gone.  

    George was intelligent enough to adopt a new style of fighting that complimented his slower movement. And, he could really hit hard.

    Most boxers quit because they lose speed. They start getting hit too much. Ali was a textbook case, but he could take a punch like no one, and was very crafty in the ring.

    There is only thing that boxers can do to maintain speed as they age:  keep their weight down. The less mass to move, the more speed is possible. Special training? All the running and skipping in the world will not make an old fighter any faster, only increase endurance.

    There is one trick. Incorporate some counter-punching. Wait for the range, and then at the exact moment the opponent strikes, throw a counter punch. This gives a slowing fighter a better chance of landing on a faster opponent, as that opponent is within range, and open at that moment of attack.

    However, the best strategy is to retire. Boxing is a young man's game. Lacking incredible power like Foreman, there is little to protect a slowing fighter from real accumulated harm. Just look at Ali.  

    Speed will diminish, and there is nothing one can do to stop it.

  2. as they say its the genes, u r born with it, I cant remember the actual names of the types of skeletal muscles, but its in your dna, its not realy about training and practicing, its about how fast your muscles are reacting controled by your brain, if you've been fast your whole life then u will be fast now, I believe its slow and fast reacting muscles, which are controlled by the radial nerves send from your brain, sorry but I realy dont know what is gonna make u maintain ur speed as u get older

  3. When it's gone, it's gone and it's not coming back.  Age is merciless, and you can't get away from it.  The best you can hope for is to maintain your fitness level by living like Holyfield or Hopkins did.  Most people lack such discipline and cannot sacrifice decades of their lives to living a spartan training regiment like those guys did, so odds are good it's too late for anyone trying to regain lost speed.   The guy above is correct, you can't beat father time.

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