
Handball Question?

by  |  earlier

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What is the best part of the hand to hit with, and what is good form




  1. The soft right side of your hand.

  2. The palm because that would probably be a stronger hit and hit it like a baseball swing.

  3. The best part is flat hand,best form hmm....that comes while u play and u get used 2one or many forms.Keep playing keep trying.

  4. the wrist if your hands are togetjher can hit pretty hard try it out then tell me how it went that what i always did

  5. Ivano Balic all time best player

  6. whats the point of this section LOL

    any way try ur palm should  be easy but make sure u got good wrist movement to follow

  7. To the post above, the wrist is an illegal shot per the rules, you should cup your hand and have the form almost like you are throwing the ball "catching" the ball in the middle of the palm (don't actually catch the ball) and hitting it towards the desired part of the front wall or side wall. Since it mimicks a throwing action you will want to work on weight transfer to boost the speed of your hits, shifting from the back to the front as hitting.
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