
Handball Style?

by  |  earlier

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What is a good way to set up and hit a killer




  1. The best is way is to throw the ball at first and then power house it they will never return the hit

  2. Take a gun and shoot him

  3. Wait for the shot that comes at you at about waist to ankle height- Keep your knees bent as you hit it to keep the ball low on the wall.

  4. Turn your body to the side at an angle, for kill shots at greater angles are harder to return. Wait until the ball comes low, strike and make sure you follow through. The kill shot is risky ,so make sure you're well positioned so you don't f*** it up and lose your point/serve.

  5. quickly

  6. do a burn after you serve or they serve(serves have to be easy). a burn is when you hit the ball really low.

  7. Massage your hand and then stretch


    your question is kinda confusing?

    pull back throw it in the air and hit the c**p outta it!
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