
Handball and Pickle?

by Guest61377  |  earlier

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I used to play a crappy game called pickle in jr. high all the time. You threw a tennis ball against a wall and had to catch it and return it. If the ball touched someone without them catching it they had to run and touch the wall before someone else caught the ball and tossed it against the wall. If the ball bounces before the return you also run to the wall. If anyone else returns the ball against the wall before you reach it they then get a free shot opportunity to pelt the player with the ball as hard as they could throw.

So my question is, does this game totally pwn you, and why do people even try to catch the ball if they know they might have to get a tennis ball launched at their nuts?




  1. ive never heard of this game, or played it.

  2. you mean slaughter house or suicide

  3. That what u have described doesn't have anything to do with handball, AT ALL! Handball is a TEAM SPORT. And, to answer your question, a: It is not awesome at all, and b: I wouldn't, because I wouldn't play it..

  4. oh cool!

  5. do u mean Suicide?

  6. I too wanted to ask the same question,how did u guess?


  8. unraveling one of life's mysteries may prove costly grasshopper!

  9. This is the first I hear of such a game.

    It doesn't sound very challenging to me, but rather, kind of  stressful.

  10. I love handball which has nothing to do with your question. On the other hand your childhood pickle is my childhood butts up. The game was fun to me as a kid and i even got a few tennis balls thrown hard at my butt. I grew out of it and havent heard much of the game since. To answer your question the game dosent own you yo own it and the other players. You have to have a technique that makes other players miss the ball. Its all about you son.

  11. In my town this was Butts Up.  Handball is sweet, and a pickle is when you catch a runner between bases in baseball.  It's the same; hit the wall (no bouncing), then catch it (don't drop it!).  If you don't make it to the wall before someone throws you out, then you get a letter from "Butts" (like "horse").  If you spell it out, you get pelted, hands on the wall, legs apart.  Sure there's a risk that you could be pelted in the back of the nuts by some jerk, but a) why (as a dude) would you want to play like that? and b) if it does happen, keep in mind; when it comes to your nuts, there's only so much playing around.  If it comes down to it, you settle your business in the schoolyard.  Basically, if you don't try to catch the ball...then why are you even playing?
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