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How do you play it




  1. I think its like racquetball, but with your hand?

  2. Real cool game, also h**l of a great excercise. If its a one on one game u gotta see who serves the ball first, if u'r serving it. then u either do it the more advanced way wen u throw the ball in the air and aim it at the wall for ur first serve or u can do it an easier way which is bounce the ball and then hit it aiming to the wall, from there it's a u hit right after your oponent hits the ball, if u throw the ball out of the line its a foul and its a point for ur opponent, or if ur opponent hits the ball to the floor its your point, the game is real simple, you serve opponent hits, u git, opponent hits, da hard part is to know were da ball is so u can hit it, you have to be real fast amd agile. good luck.

  3. It's easy, google handball

  4. I don't know

  5. its fun, but too hard to explain.

  6. with your hands, same rules as racquetball, its great

  7. Kinda like racketball.

    Go to wikipedia and serch "Handball"

    Good luck
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