
Handicap 20 Good or Bad?

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im shooting around a 100 to 105 on par 72s i have played about 10- 15 rounds of golf since i started playing this sport, do you think that is ok based on how many times i have played, 10- 15 rounds usually once a week or sometimes 1 every 2 weeks, i have played for likek 6 months




  1. Spend a little money on lessons and then go to the range and then suck it up and practice what you have learned.  Learn how to keep the ball  in the fairway, forget about trying to hit 300 yard drives.   You are better off 150 out, in the fairway, than 220 out in the trees or rough.  Then practice your short game.

    When I was a kid caddying at a country club in Akron, OH, we had a member who was in his upper 70's and usually scored his age.  I asked him how he was able to do it because he rarely hit the ball more than180 yards -- occassionally 200.  He smiled and said, "On a 380 yard hole, I just hit the ball down the fairway. Then I hit it down the fairway again. And then I chip or pitch it onto the green, usually within 5-6 feet, and then sink the putt.  It's easy to score if you don't get in trouble."

  2. I think that it is just okay because I play aroung the same amount of rounds as you  and have been playing for yhr same amount of time but I am a 12 hadicap. Also i am only 11 years old

  3. just a tad above the average is 18 . keep at it you will enjoy many years

  4. Who cares about handicap when you can't play as much as you would like. Enjoy The Game. Its the Best...

  5. If you don't go to the range, you wont get better. You should have at least one range session between every round. A twenty handicap is still considered a hack. Practice your short game the most. Chipping, pitching and putting. This is where everyone can get better. By the way if you average 100-105 you are playing about a 25 handicap at best depending on the difficulty of the course.

  6. It's all relative: depends on who you're playing with and if you're enjoying the game

  7. Keep practicing man.... I have no idea how old you are or your physical shape, but Im in good shape, 29, been golfing for about 12 years, 8 handicap... and Ive got guys in their 70s besting me...

    Hit the range and just practice the motion.

    PS- My little brother (22) shot a 110 his very first time playing a full round... 6 months later of him playing about once or twice a month, hes shooting in the low 90's....

  8. It's not bad for the time you've been playing.  Professionals go to the driving range all the time.  You don't get better by playing on the course.  You get better by going to the range and practicing.  You take what you practice onto the course and see if it works.

  9. Here's a neat little site you can go to and have your handicap calculated for you. All you need is at least 5, 18 hole rounds & the course rating and slope (both of those ratings are found on the scorecard). It's free to have your handicap calculated for you and it's a good way to chart your progress in golf

  10. 20 is a pretty solid player.  At 20, you can play in a group with pretty much anybody without slowing down the game, plus your good shots will be as good as anybody's (you just won't hit as many good shots as a lower handicap).  You'll hit some real bad ones, too, but that's OK.

    As others have said, you won't get much better if you don't practice.

    The range is over-rated, though.  The REALLY important practice is chipping and putting, which most people ignore altogether.

  11. Yes, that is a decent handicap for the times you golf.  I recomment that if you cannot get to play more often that you use the time in two differing ways,

    1. Try to enter some club competitions to see how players of  a lower handicap play their golf and pick up some pointers (they will gladly give  you some little advice if you ask.

    2.  When you go to the golf course (when not in competitions) dont just play 18 holes but spend some time putting and chipping on the practice areas and improve your short game.

    this will take at least 5 strokes of your next round.

    I began playing 6 years ago when I was 59 years old , off a 15 handicap and now play off 6.7 handicap (now I am 65 years old)

    The advice above was given to me and I pass it on gladly.

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