
Handicap (Disabled) Parking???

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How come the handicapped get all the good parking spots and some don't even use them so we have to park all the way in the back?




  1. Wow!  Are you really serious?  I guess you would rather have their disability so you could park right up front?  I'm sure they would trade with you so they could have the ability to walk from all the way in the back.

  2. Come live in San Francisco. I can't even find the space to use a disabled placard on the street in some spots!

  3. Do you really need to ask a question like this, I hope that you don't need one someday.

  4. Why does my wife use her handicapped placard to park upfront?  Because the chemotherapy she gets for her cancer attacks her bones, especially her hips and she can't walk very well.  When we go places together I drive and drop her off at the door.  She uses placard when she is by herself.  

    If you would like, I'm sure we can arrange for you to get cancer and see if you like walking from the back of the lot!!!!

  5. If you ever become disabled, you will be very glad of such parking facilities.

    Until then, stop being lazy and keep the disabled spaces free for those who NEED them.

  6. do we really need to answer your selfish, dumb *** question?

  7. I have a placard for handicapped parking. When I need it, which thank GOD is not all of the time, it allows me easier access to the stores. I don;t have to awalk the entire lot when I just physically can NOT do it. I have easy access to the doors and when necessary power carts.

    To comment on JW below, I know I would LOVE to trade!! Have my placard but my disabiities come with it.

    **EDIT** I thought I would add that no, we don;t all use them every time we park. If I am not currently having a flare up and don;t NEED the benfit of parkign closer, I just don't. There will be someone whoDOES need it to come along soon enough so I leave it for them. If you see cars displaying placards or handicapped tags, perhaps they just couldn;t find a space when they parked.

  8. Would you like to switch places with them and be the one needing the disabled parking spaces?

    They get those large spots near the entrance because they need them. Some disabled people use a wheelchair or a cane or need assistance getting in and out of the car. That's why they need wider parking spaces than healthy people. Some disabled people can't or shouldn't walk far, because it's painful or dangerous for them, so they need a space near the entrance.

    Disabled people have as much needs and rights to do go between places, go grocery shopping etc. like everybody else. Some of them need accommodations like the disabled parking spaces to be able to do those things and live a relatively independant life.

    Some don't use them because they're having a good day and feel able to park further away, leaving the space vacant for someone who needs it more, while on worse days they might need to park closer. Sometimes they end up having to park somewhere else because all the disabled spaces were full when they came. And sometimes there simply isn't anyone at that place who needs those spaces at the time, so they stay vacant until someone comes.

    Everybody who has a blue badge has the right to use those parking spots because a qualified doctor has confirmed that they need those spots. Keep in mind that you cannot always see the disability on the outside. A seemingly fit person might be having strong pains, a heart condition or something which makes them need those spaces as much as someone in a wheelchair.

  9. Oh get over it, your a lazy person and they get the spaces in front due to their disability. How would you like to park way in back and have to wheel yourself through the snow in your wheel chair? Then I'm sure youd be bitching about not having handicapped parking. Don't be lazy and park in the back for the disabled in our country. If it helps at all, if your in a huge parking lot and you drive a nice car you should want to park in back so the rude people that park next to you don't slam their car doors, or shopping carts into your nice car and ding up the paint. Thats the reason I park in the very back of the parking lots. I take pride in my cars not having tons of dings and dents in them from others rude asses.

  10. They do use them.  Just not all of the time.  They get them because usually are not as mobile of as rest of us.  You get to park in the back because you belong there...

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