
Handicap parking?

by  |  earlier

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I know someone who has a handicap parking in front of their house and their not handicap. I see them walking from house to house in the neighborhood, washing their cars, carrying big heavy objects, etc. I reported it once to the place where you get the handicap signs but nothing was done. I also was told the parking was not for them but someone else. How can I tell if its for them or not? They are not handicap and it really bothers me to see this. What else do I do? I don't want to start trouble or anything but its not right. Thanks in advance.




  1. If the person it is for is gone then they are using it illegally and need to be reported

  2. Personally, I think the spots are often abused by friends and relatives with a placard without the disabled person in the car. Ask the police to check it out. The person the placard was issued to must be a driver or passenger of that vehicle when the car is parked there. Period.  

  3. I honestly think that this person is probably taking advantage of the system or has forgotten that there are people out there who really do need these in the right manner.

  4. Its things like this that you dont need to worry abut.  Put your energy elsewhere.  If the space was needed it would be different but you said it was in front of their house so who cares.  And you say they work and have no mental problems.  Well we all have skeletons in our closet including you.  Not to be rude but we dont always know everyones situation.  You also have gone on hearsay and that isnt good either.  I wish that was all that bothered me.

  5. Some handicapped people can walk around.

    Some handicapped people can wash their cars.

    Some handicapped people can can carry big heavy objects.

    I have a friend who has a handicapped placard for her car because she is blind. She is a diabetic and is legally night blind. Her license is restricted to daylight hours. She has a lot of physical problems and a lot of trouble getting around.


    The person the handicapped space was for is now now deceased, but they keep the parking so they have parking when they get home from work?


    I'd report that in ASAP! They have no right to abuse the system like that. All it takes is a call to your local PD station.

    Do it!

  6. it could for any member of the family

    you said parking wasn't for them but for someone

    is this an apartment complex (maybe its for another tenet?

    now do they also have a placard on their windshield?

    are they parking in spot where it said handicap parking only?

    If they dont have one (a handicap placard ) the police

    can cite them for that

  7. if you notice most people aren't handicap that park in handicap...

    what ever happened to the time they just gave handicap to people in wheel chairs?...

    now all kinda of obese people have the handicap stickers...

    they wouldn't be obese if they wouldn't park in handicap...

  8. Its time to wake up and understand that a handicap person does not have to be missing a limb or something like that, a handicap person could have a mental disorder or many other things......

  9. We need to see your medical liscense to make such a statement,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  10. The handicap placard is given to anyone who has a handicapped member in their family - not always the driver.

    My wife has a bad back and will need a plqce to park where the walk to the door is not very long, but she can occasionally

    carry the grocery bag if I am not there.
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