
Handing in poetry with dark themes for school work... bad idea?

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I love to write and i usually write about deep, dark issues that i can relate to.

In extension english at school we are doing poetry and creative writing and our homework is to write a creative piece.

Should i have in one of my poems that are good, but dark.

Or write something "normal"?

How would a teacher react upon reading a poem about suicide/self harm ?




  1. as long as it is not too "deep"

    usually people show positive thoughts...only a few people show dark and deep thoughts so i guess that it is a good idea plus it must be the normal you.

  2. The teacher would probably call the counselor over the suicide one (i've been in this situatiom before =]) but, i dont think that you should change your creative style just for some teachers mediocre taste in poetry. If they dont like it, tell em to kiss your ***, because poetry is about what the poet is feeling, not what the audience wants to hear

  3. Hey,

    Best you write about what interests you, but, keep in mind, if teachers believe you are in trouble or are capable of self harm, they will report you, call in your parents, and perhaps, call appropiate authorities to help you, if they believe you are going to do something/ the reason behind your poems/story.

    Do what's best for youself. =)

  4. As a teacher, I would have to send you to the counselor.  It's the teachers responsibility to do so if he/she thinks that you are going to harm others or yourself.  Once the counselor talks to you and knows that this is just the types of poetry you are into writing then you'll be okay.

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