
Handling the stering wheel single handed in Texas?

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Hi there. I will take my road test tomorrow. I have been driving for more than 7 years abroad. In england is mandatory to keep both hands on the wheel when turning and not crossing hands, in south america it doesn't matter, you just take sharp bends single handed in a round "polishing" fashion... I have been reading the Drivers Handbook but it says nothing on the matters... what are the Texas regulations about holding and manouvering the steering wheel?




  1. I have never seen this question addressed and I have been licensed in three states.

    I do not believe there is a requirement for this. You drive my turning the steering wheel, in any manner you are comfortable with. When learning, you are usually taught to turn hand-over-hand, and to drive ith your hands at 10 and 2 o'clock positions, but it is not regulated.

    It's like in the UK and Europe, one is licensed differently to drive a manual and in all states the US it makes no difference. It also makes no difference how you steer, unless when tested the examiner thinks you are being dangerous.

    Good luck.

  2. If you drive one-handed, you will fail.  Driving one-handed is stupid because you do not have proper control of the car.  You cannot safely take sharp turns with one hand without your arm being in between your face and the air bag, plus, with only one hand swinging the wheel, you and the car are out of balance.  You cannot properly respond to an emergency like a blow-out, a wild animal jumping in front of your car, or a child running out in front of you.  Try a one handed turn in a performance driving school and you will be tossed out on your ear in the first minute.


    Driving a manual does not in any way entitle you to drive one handed, or make you any safer.  You have one hand on the wheel while shifting, two the rest of the time.

    By the way, in a car with air bags, you do not hold the wheel at 10 and 2, you risk having your hand thrown into your face at 200mph if the airbag goes off.  Hold the wheel at 9 and 3.

  3. In Texas just like in any state you will need to keep both of your hands on the steering wheel and the way that they teach it today is that you should keep your hands at 9 and 3 positions and not the 10 and 2 position.....

  4. Keep your hands at the 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock positions. It's ok to let go with one hand while turning to get a better grip on the wheel, but don't take the turn single handedly.

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