
Hands in the back rule. Have your say. What is it doing to our game?

by  |  earlier

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I mean c'mon, it was the push in the back rule. and now it is hands in the back. so basically players can't even touch the other players backs during a marking contest or they get pinged!

What is it doing to our game?

Do you like it?

Will it ever get scrapped?

The AFL has changed so much in this past half decade, i can't even remember what it use to be like.

But i remember that i found AFL more exciting back then. Not that i don't completely love it now, but i worry about where it is heading.




  1. This rule was introduced because most umpires are too stupid to distinguish between a push in the back and a hand on the back. I wonder what stupid new rule they will bring in next......?

  2. It's a fair rule when its a blatant push in the back...

    But when it's just a fingertip on the shirt and it is a free kick... That is disgraceful.

  3. i dislike that rule very much!!!!

    they make it so hard for the defenders

    the defender cant even put a finger on the player without getting a free kick against him

  4. well the umps have a good case... what would your hand be doing in his back if your not pushing him... i think its a fare rule that is changing the game but not in a bad way... i think that it should never go further than this though... a little nugde should be fine but if you can see that he has been pushed in the back its gotta be a free... the umps give a free kick even if they see your hands on there back... simple dont out your hands there... if the defender is playing in front he doesnt need to push them...

  5. The push in the back rule is completely fine. BUT the hands in the back rule is frikken ridiculous! It's turning the AFL into a SOFT game, which it isn't. The rule has no significance and is not needed.

  6. i like netball.....

    this rule is good and bad i think... because when a player does get shoved from behind... you're like 'yes!' because you know they'll get a free kick. but then again, you watch some games, and the umpire gives a 'hand in back' kick away, and the repeat shows that the opposition didnt even touch their back!!

    but i dont think they'll scrap this rule.. it seems to be working too well

  7. They need to get rid of it its destroyin the game we love and also coz its 1 rule for forwards a different 1 for Midfield and another rule for baks its stupid has to be 1 rules for all

  8. Unfortunately cant see em removing the rule..

    Yes its a soft rule..

    The game has changed heaps but I take the good with the bad, like I think the extra balls behind the goals for quicker play is brilliant and 15 metre kick to be paid the mark makes sense...

    I love the transformation of the game, it's stronger, faster, better!

  9. It's turning our game into a non-contact sport.  Gotta make it safe for the kids remember?  The only thing that the administration don't realise,  is that by the time the kids grow up,  they'll have turned the game into Aussie Rules Netball!

    No offence seztasaurus!.

  10. This new hands to the back will make watching the game even more tedious to watch .  Rugby Union is in the same area with line outs and scrums , it slows it up , my advice would be to somehow pool together the best aspects of Rules , League and Union and make a new game that is faster non stop with no line outs , with forward passing etc .

  11. It is part of our game.

    Since the game was invented no-one has been allowed to push an oponent in the back.

    Just because there was a phase where umpires were turning a blind eye to it, doesn't make it lawful. Why should a full-back do the right thing & get in front of the full-forward only to be illegally shoved out of the way.

    Those who don't like it don't know the rules.

  12. It's utter c**p, simple as that.

    What annoys me is it's like it's a rule for the forward line, it's not paid around the ground have you noticed? blokes can lie onto of players sprawled all over their back and that's awarded as the player underneath holding the ball, is the other bloke all over his back, YES. so why isn't that paid as in the back?

    I tell ya, it's bloody frustrating. and the stupid touching the arms bulldust, crikey they hit arms all over the ground and in ruck contest, why don't they pay those too, they should scrap both of those stupid rules unless it's a blatant full on push out.

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