
Hands up in the uk who thought global warming meant it would hot and dry,not just wet?

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Hands up in the uk who thought global warming meant it would hot and dry,not just wet?




  1. Oooh, learn something new everyday =P

  2. I listened to all the talk about how wonderful it would be for the uk, and thought .....Wait a minute!!!...we are a little piece of land surrounded by an awful lot of water.  If this global warming is for real, the seas will heat up as well and cause more cloud that than heat from our little bit of land could deal with.  All we will get is cloud, rain and rising humidity.  Tropical rain forest weather with all the bugs that go along with that (shudder)

    Then I listened to a scientist on National Geo.  Who thought it might be possible that the cloud cover could become so great it would actually drive us into another ice age.  

    Then other scientists said global warming had stopped and we were all being scammed, by government and commerce.

    Then I decided no-one knew what they were talking about.   It is all scientific theory that no one knew the answer to.  

  3. me,we were told long hot summers,ha ha ,someone got it wrong,and it didn't rain on st swithens day either,yet its rained almost every day since

  4. I thought it was hot and dry Haha

    Silly Me  

  5. i did (blush)

    up to a couple of years ago i thought it would mean mediterranean climate here in southern england. its not going to be as neat as that, is it? i had a doh! moment reading the simple phrase 'warmer air carries more water'.......

  6. One of the problems with the Anthropogenic global warming hypothesis (AGW) is that its believers claim that if it gets warmer, colder, wetter or drier, it is still consistent with their beliefs.

    For an idea to be considered as scientific, it must at least allow the possibility of being shown to be wrong, since this cannot happen with AGW, it cannot be considered scientific, and is more of a political or religious belief.

    The computer models used to predict catastrophic scenarios in 20 to 50 years, also predict that we would have hotter drier summers. We had a hot dry summer in 2005 followed by the coldest wettest summer in 30 years and so far a cool wet summer this year. This is the kind of variability that we are used to in UK, no need for hysterical doomsday predictions.

    If these models cannot map the present or recent past, how can they be trusted to get it right for 20 - 50 years time

  7. We would think so, wouldn't we?  I believe that all this fuss about the climate (whatever they call it now) is a smokescreen to stop us all noticing how many major things are going wrong. Whilst governments can harp on about global warming, etc., they are not answering the public's questions about the really important issues of the day.  It also is giving all the Jobsworth idiots a chance to assert their 'authority' over, for instance, a waste bin that's wrongly loaded.  I have lived a lot of years  and I am despairing of my country and the mess the politicians are making of it.

  8. ill hold my hand up i thought the same all its done thing summer rain its been c**p because its left with hardly nothing t do and I'm so bored!

  9. I am putting up only one hand half heartily and with disappointment.  My tomatoes have blight again.  I was looking forward to some pleasant global warming this summer. The type of warming we are experiencing is more intermittent than in past summers. Climate Change it is now, and we know the English are famous for talking about our changeable weather.  This rain plus increased carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has caused an impressive growth of vegetation.  The road signs have become obscured by overhanging branches, so we have to buy satnavs to find our way around.  I wonder what next!

  10. haven't you noticed they rarely call it 'global-warming' now? It seems to have changed to 'climate change'.

  11. Global Warming or climate change is a scam to make money.The temperature data they used to prove it was from old not calibrated thermometers.There is no reason to assume that they knew what they were talking about.  

  12. I'm from Canada, not the UK but I heard that over they you folks actually have a Minister of Climate Change as part of your federal government, is this true?  How ridiculous!

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