
Handy Master Fumes so Bad your Eyes can"t...

by Guest57938  |  earlier

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I have adjusted the air pump pressure anywhere from 2 psi to 3 psi range and it runs fine until I install the top sheet metal back on it then it puts out fumes so bad you can't stand it for it burns your eyes so bad. I have cleaned the fuel filter screen and nothing was in it. I took the rotar and blades out to relace them but they were like new so I blew everything out with compressed air a put it back together and does the same thing. I took the nozzle out blew it with compressed air and found nothing wrong ,it was perfectly clean, along with both fuel line and air hoses. Spark plug is gapped at .055 " where as a sticker on inside of heater reads range is .055" -.060".No mater where I adjust the air pressure ,it runs fine until I install the top sheet metal cover.Can anybody help me with this problem? Thanks..


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