I have been troubled for about 8 months consecutively now and have had problems in the past that my parents never believed to need help. I am now 20 and am overwhelmed with life and can not go at it alone anymore.
My problem is I don't want to make my problem worse by going to a therapist if it isn't for me. If he/she doesn't work than I feel it will push me to that edge where i've really lost all hope for myself. I've got so much disappointment in my life that therapy not working for me would be disappointment that I wouldn't be able to handle. Above it just not working, I am concerned therapists just want to write off a perscription and get to their next paycheck--i mean patient. I'm afraid of not being listened to and the therapist treating me as a case or file and not a person.
In addition, if I met with a therapist, I wouldn't know where to start. I can't explain my problems to myself, how can I explain them to somebody else? If i can't portray what's bothering me, how is even a therapist i'm looking for gonna be able to help me?
Third question, how exactly does it work, someone told me you do all the talking, again... how will that help me if I do not know what to talk about?
Please help with all these hang-ups I have and any advice you've got.