
Hangings in Iran Tomorrow?

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According to news reports Iran plan to hang 30 tomorrow for crimes including rape,,drug smuggling & murder. These are all very serious & sadly very common crimes not only in Iran but also here in the UK. What is wrong with the 'eye for an eye' attitude? If you are prepared to kill someone for whatever reason then why should you not be punished in a like manner?




  1. If you haven't worked that one out yet, maybe you never will.

    It is about the state taking that power, and judgement, which only belongs to God, for want of a better word.

  2. I am totally against capital punishment.

  3. Barbaric practises are not less barbaric simply because they are state sponsored!

  4. Sorry Mick, but with your eye for an eye attitude then only the murders should be hanged.  You also forgot the guys and gals being hanged for "immoral relationships" adultery and homosexuality, are you just as keen to see these poor souls swing from the gallows.

    And just for your information it's not "an eye for an eye"

    It's "No more than an eye for an eye"

    Don't get me wrong, I'm in favor of capital punishment, but lets not throw too many kudos to a fanatically religious regime who uncerimoniously hangs people for not following the so called "word of God" that was written by men.

  5. crime is everywhere, but I would think a public hanging from a crane would make a person think twice before actually committing a crime in iran.

    Eye for an Eye attitude cares me even more. Although, some crimes that are so hideous and deserves death, if we traveled in this direction we would certainly become lawless.

  6. They hang people to control the population and stay in power.  30 on the same day is a show of power not punishment.  Prayer for their souls.  Their government is illegitimate but there is little we can do about it now.

    In the states (I don't know about the UK) I don't support the death penalty for one reason.  No rich people go the the "gas chamber".  They are not even charged with 1st degree.  So when a millionaire goes to trial he knows he will not die for his crime.  Look at the OJ fiasco.  He was never charged with capital   murder.

  7. That is one way to stop re-offending

  8. Agree entirely. We have allowed the bleeding hearts and the politically correct to rule our lives for too long.

  9. This used to happen in the UK too, back in the old days they would put the heads of the executed criminals on the london bridge.

    ...but sometime ago everyone grew up and stopped doing that sort of stuff.

  10. um, why don't you move to Iran then, if you love that people are hanged for not being obedient, politically like-minded, g*y, etc.

  11. i`am iranian.unfortunately they kill some people only for their political opinions.about crimes,imagine your sister is raped.dont you want to kill the criminal?(sorry 4 example)

  12. Iran is a brutal theocratic society. In the past people have been hanged there for political dissent.

    In contrast, we are a decent liberal society.  I know what set of rules I like to live under.

  13. Agree totally.

  14. ....

  15. I bet their crime rate becomes lower.

  16. The uk is more humane .

  17. As someone said an eye for eye makes all men blind, possibly attributed to Gandi, and he is right. Though i have no worries with anyone found guilty and convicted going to jail.

    x x   is absolutely right, those executed are mostly poor, ill educated, and in places like Iran can be executed for just being homosexual or face stoning to death for a trumped up charge of adultery

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