
Hangover - What are your symptoms the next day?

by  |  earlier

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If I've been on a particularly rough drinking session, I can usually eat fine the next day, the only thing I can't do is smoke a cigarette until late that evening or even the following day after that. Is this common? I am a regular smoker of about 10 cigarettes a day in general, so its not that I only smoke when I'm out drinking and end up sickening myself.




  1. "Hair of the dog" actually has some truth to it. Try a cold beer in the morning, but just keep it to one. You may feel tempted to have another one, but resist it or you'll end up a drunk.

  2. That sounds about right. Enjoy

  3. The first thing I usually do is smoke a cig, but my only hangover symptom is a stomach ache sometimes.

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