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Im sure this question is asked alot, but im gonna ask ne ways, what is the best cure/prevention method for a hangover? i head about this stuff called prickly pear juice on the TV show manswers, is there any validity to this??? or any other ones?




  1. Have another beer, and take some Advil.

  2. I have a glass of water between each drink and in the morning take asprin and V8 juice. Always seems to do the trick. Either that or start drinking more as soon as you wake up.

  3. Seriously, if you drink 10-30 ounces of water right before/during/right after you drink, your hangover will either go away or be greatly reduced.

    Also, it helps to drink a LOT of water when you wake up the next morning, but that can cause the alcohol to move in your bloodstream again, and you'll probablly be drunk all over again. Unless you don't mind :]

  4. I've never heard of prickly pear juice.  Here's what I do:  first, you need to get hydrated; even if you get sick you need to keep drinking water.  Second (or at the same time) take a couple aspirin, advil, or whatever you use for headaches.  Third, curl up on the couch in comfy pj's with the remote, the phone, your water, and additional advil (perhaps a bucket if you think you'll need it).  You don't want to have to move if you don't really have to.  I usually avoid eating until the hangover is wearing off and my stomach actually feels hungry.  Partly because sometimes I hurt so bad I can't concentrate on preparing any food.  Also because, when the hangover is wearing off you can be more certain that the food will stay down.  You'll have to move soon.  Either go cook something or order pizza.  Remain this way for several hours until you start feeling human.

    Okay, that may not be the best or the quickest hangover cure...haha...but that's what I do when I've had a late night.  ;)

  5. gatorade will get you through

  6. after a night of drinking I ALWAYS drink a powerade and take a benadryl before going to sleep.  If you pass out or fall asleep do that as soon as you get up.  The powerade hydrates you and gets your electrolytes balanced and the benadryl is a little know treatment for nausea and vomiting.  Do not start drinking alcohol when you get up it will just dehydrate you and make you feel worse.  The main cause of a hang over is dehydration.  If you don't want powerade or gatorade drink water but that doesn't work as fast.  I promise you if you follow my advice you will never wake up hungover again.
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