
Hank/Pavs vs. Crosby/Malkin: Which pair would you rather have..?

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Which of these pairs would you have and WHY?




  1. Not being  a homer, but hanks and Pavs.  they are like 2 peas in a pod.  They feed off eachother so well, not to mention they bring a whole heckuva lot to the other players as well. Crosby and Malkin a close second though.


  2. I was thinking of this Question earlier today...and My bias answer would be hank and pavs. I don't watch too many of the Crosby Malkin pair, but from what i see, Hank and Pavs seem to have more chemistry. (No i don't mean it like that people). They're so good at finding each other. like they have eyes in the back of their heads. Its amazing sometimes. So i'm gonna stick to the home team.

  3. This is like what do you like better. T-Bone steak or NY Strip. You can't go wrong with either answer.

    I think I would take the Wings only for the defense. And the fact that they play in all situations

  4. can i have both pairs?

    ADD: haha it amuses me how the one of the redwing fans idk who it is gave the ppl who chose crosby/malkin a thumbs down lol

  5. Hank & Pavs, because they are much better defensively, play in all situations (they are great penalty killers) Crosby/Malkin don't kill penaties and aren't as effective on face offs. Offensivley they are pretty equal!

  6. In Pittsburgh, the world revolves around Crosby, who is either the best player in the world or darn close to it depending upon who you talk with.

  7. Crosby/Malkin.  On the power play they have developed great chemistry plus they have elevated the play of others around them.  Datsyuk and Zetterberg are also great but Crosby/Malkin cause the other teams to take more penalties allwoign them power play opportunites.

  8. Crosby and Malkin are capable of creating h**l on separate lines, and can do the job.  Zetterberg and Datsyuk play best together.  They just feed off eachother so well, that when they're on their game, you almost feel bad for the other goalie, and their defenseman....almost.

    I'd rather have Zetterberg/Datsyuk

  9. Crosby/Malkin: crosby is great with handling the puck and making good passes, and malkin has very accurate shots

    not to say Zetterberg and Datsyuk arent good, cause theyre awesome but im not a WIngs fan

  10. Hank/Pavs.

    Better all around players, better faceoff performers.  Great defensive players, both are willing to hit, both are great penalty killers and power play guys.  Their puck pursuit is best in the world.

    I would take Malkin in a second, but when you put Crosby in there, it ruins the deal.

    In response to Crosby/Malkin drawing more penalties... that is because they fall easier.  Hank and Pavs fight through checks and hooks and are European, so the refs don't call the penalties as much as they could.  Everyone knows that all you have to do is touch Crosby with your stick and its an automatic penalty.

    Also I love the professionalism Hank and Pavs show.  They don't let opponents get under their skin, when they score in a meaningless point of a game, they don't act like they just won the Cup.  They don't run and jump into the boards when they score, potentially injuring themselves.  Nope, its just business as usual, because that is what is expected of them.  They're not out their to showboat, their out there for their team, not stats.

  11. Honestly, I would want Zetterberg and Datsyuk on my team, they are a two man wrecking crew, Datsyuk sets them up and Zetterberg knocks them down. I truly have not seen any players as effective as Datsyuk and Zetterberg.

  12. Crosby and Malkin

    You're already comparing the two sets of players to each other, and the Pens set is around 8 years younger than Henrik and Pavel.

  13. both pairs are amazing obviously but you won't see Crosby and Malkin up for the Selke

  14. Malkin/Crosby.  Crosby makes things happen on the ice, while have the heart and desire to be a natural leader.  Malkin has the speed and size to dominate a game.  Not to mention they haven't been in the league as long but still get mention as some of the best players in the world.  

    No disrespect to Dats and Zet, obviously it's one of those coin flip questions that can go either way.

  15. Crosby and Malkin

    best 2 players in the league

  16. Hank/Pavs...there sound defensively

  17. Crosby & Malkin, when one is gone the other put's on an amazing performance, also they are younger!

  18. Hank and Pavs because as the old saying goes, "Defense wins championships"

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