
Hannibal Lecter's Personality type?

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If you take a look at the 5-factor model of personality, which one will Hannibal be?



Openness to experience?



I think Neuroticism: tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily, such as anger, anxiety, depression, or vulnerability; sometimes called emotional instability.

And openness to experience: imaginative, artistic, unconventional in attitude (thought to be the key determinant in people’s political attitudes and ideology), appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, imagination, curiosity, and variety of experience.

And last one Conscientiousness: planned rather than spontaneous behavior.

What do you guys think? Thanks




  1. Although it's used as a somewhat catch-all, I would consider Lecter a sociopath. He has no moral compass and is defiantly not in touch with emotions that "normal" people experience like sympathy,empathy,remorse,etc. Although he(like so many sociopaths,but not all by any means)ape what's considered normality.

  2. Hi kiki,

    You wouldn't by any chance be doing a core course task?

    If so then your in the same varsity as i, Performance 1.17!

    To the answer,

    It wouldn't be Neuroticism, through Lecter's position, what he is doing is not unpleasant, he doesn't get angry, depressed, anxious and is defiantly not emotionally unstable... If he were emotionally unstable he would not be capable of s******g with the protagonists mind as he does! You must remember cannibalism is a culture, cannibals believe what they are doing is right and therefore would never feel remorse...

    Anyways, my answer would definitely have to an Openness to Experience! All the above listed there apply to Lecter, especially unconventional in attitude...

    I must however insist that if possible you change the character your doing the essay on! Hannibal Lecter is a psychological thriller, its purpose is to mess with your head! Especially in silence of the Lambs... So much attention to detail has been put into this character as so he does not crack, it's unlikely you'll figure him out! There are still people today that freak out if you mention the film... Remember when it was made it was extremely hardcore, bet your parents would have difficulty watching it again! Brilliant performances i must say...

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