
Happily married. Is your s*x life with your spouse 100% perfect?

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Mines is not fully 100% perfect but yet we still manage s*x every single night. Thanks.




  1. Happily married (15 years) & s*x is great, but it's down to 1-2 per month (and that's a good month)!

  2. Ours is great we dont have it everyday but when we have it its rockin.

  3. Perfect?  I would say satisfying!!!

    Could be better,  thanks for asking.  

  4. I think my s*x life it perfect.  Although we don't manage it every day when we do it we do it completley out of love and take our time.  You don't always have that much time everyday....

  5. You have s*x every night and it is not 100%???? What are you looking for??? I don't think that 100% is available in my life...we both work and have a 3 year old...but you know with life comes less then 100% but other stuff can fill in the gaps....good luck

  6. Dude!

    When people start talking about "perfect" s*x ........ In my hood, we call it "Whipped!"

    Besides, When you find a person that can satisfy you like that, It's suppose to take you to the next level. You should be exploring other ways to enhance the good s*x ............. instead you sound like you are amazed that you finally got a partner that's willing to have s*x with you.

    p.s. This is not a cheap shot ...... just the "Experience" showing a  little love to the "Rookie". lol  

  7. I'd say about 90%. There are some things he could do a little more of..

  8. He rocks my world when the kids arent around , especially that early AM one is the bomb .  

  9. 100% here!!

  10. hahah i dont know what a perfect s*x life is....

    im married - we have s*x quite often. can be everyday unless its lady time or someone is sick, etc. hahaha normal i suppose - perfect i dunno.

  11. It's perfect for us.

  12. Whatever! You have to be a man without children because otherwise you wouldn't have the time/energy.  

  13. Nothing is 100% perfect. We are all human and have our issues.  It's more important to be happy.

  14. It's not perfect but there's no complaining.

  15. It's really great. But not 100%, no.

  16. It is awesome. We rock each other's worlds every time.  

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