
Happiness...... is an illusion?

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Happiness...... is an illusion?




  1. happyness,,,,,,,,,,,,is a choice,,,,,

    just a choice,,,,,:)

  2. No....real happiness isn't an illusion.

    People can pretend they're happy.....but deep down honest happiness is real.

  3. Happiness can be an illusion just as easily as love or any other emotion can. Emotions can be very real and effect us greatly even when they're an illusion.

  4. Everything is an illusion. you are just a figment of my imagination.  

  5. Striving for happiness is like running towards a mirage...when you get close enough it vanishes. If we are to be must come from within, and be without conditions.  

  6. I think happiness is an illusion because different things make people happy. If happiness was real, the exact same things would make people happy. There are many ways to interpret situations in life and we become happy or sad depending on the way we perceive things. Because of this difference, I think it's fair to say that happiness is (or at least partly) an illusion.  

  7. No happiness is an abstract concept.  It is not something that can be defined by words or science or anything else.  It is something different to every person and having no true definition makes it an illusion yet also makes it very real.  What happiness is you must find out for yourself.

  8. Probably if you do not have children. (maybe pets...)

    Reality of someone with responsibilities is very different than someone without any except to themselves. Very hard to have illusions when responsibilities remind you of reality.

    Being alone the silence creeps in - where children prevent any quiet time or wasted energy.

    People are happier to be busy than alone.

  9. happiness is when you automatically are happy without trying

    thats when you actually find out what really makes you happy

    my boyfriend of 4 years almost makes me so happy

    and he doesnt even have to try

  10. Joy is what increases as the veil is gradually removed....  happiness (ie laughter, fun, etc) is an illusion, because it is changeable, and fleeting.  It will pass away.  Joy, Peace, Love... these are eternal (once you find them), and last forever.  Therefore, not illusion.  That feeling of eternal unity, connection, light and peace/wholeness is the reality we're all seeking to be/have within us.

  11. Happiness is it's own entity.  If we find it from time to time, we are blessed.  It is no illusion for that word often means lies.  Happiness is not a lie but, rather, a privilege. Many fight against it because they may not feel worthy but to believe "that way" is the real "illusion".

  12. No, happiness is a style of life....


  13. Happiness is NOT an is a decision.

    We make our happiness, in spite of our circumstances.  No one, no circumstance can take away our happiness, unless we allow it.

  14. Happiness is...........being happily married and living in a lovely place with your family

  15. Happiness is.

    Either you are or you are not.

    Pretend happiness does not exist.

  16. "The Process"

    If you squeeze a lemon you get lemonade.

    If you squeeze an apple you get apple juice or apple cider.

    If you squeeze a human being you will have given a hug.

    If you have given a hug to a human being you will have received a hug in return.


    If you squeeze "Love" you get joy and happiness!


    Happiness is an illusion if you don't participate in "The Process".

    If you participate in "The Process" the illusion will disappear!

  17. Happiness is a state of mind it has nothing to do with anything external please read A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle it will change your life!

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