
Happiness is so fleeting ,would it be better to persue contentment?

by Guest33813  |  earlier

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Happiness is so fleeting ,would it be better to persue contentment?




  1. I dont think you can be content without happiness. But you can have happiness and not be content. Maybe we should strive for both.

  2. yes i agree

  3. Joy is fleeting. Happiness is eternal. Contentment is the absence of feelings.  I'd rather have happiness.

  4. Prusing something emotional seems rather cold.

    Why not be the best you can be in all situations.

    I am a strong believer of Stress Prevention.

    Happiness and contetment are often a choice or a state of mind.

    Good coping skills helps to be positive. Don't take the small stuff so serious.

    And if you over analysis you become paralized.

    Just live each moment to it's best. the feelings will flow naturally

    If you have to work,,,,,that sounds difficiult to attain anything.

    Ride each moment with grace and openness.

    The happiness and contentment will be there. It is impossible to feel positive all the time. Life is full of challenges and also full of mistakes and trial.

    Just be the best you, the rest will fallow

  5. Contentment is balanced, happiness produces sorrow.

  6. No. But then again, true happiness isn't planned...contentment may not be intended but as a result, anything subtantially better and exciting that comes your way after a long while of normality will be weighed--subconciously--against what you've been used to for a while and would with no doubt be enjoyed with opened arms.

  7. We discover it on our deathbed looking back over life.

  8. Dear Friend,

                          Pursuing is Following something. And, when You are following something, you are not achieving it. You attain contentment, but not pursue it. You attained happiness and then felt it so fleeting. So attain Contentment!

    Nature Bless!

  9. Probably, but contentment is easier to find, and part of the lure of happiness is in it's difficulty to keep. It's like a golden sparrow in a flock of others but constantly migrating. People want happiness because of it's unrealistically favorable positive-negative ratio. However difficult to find, let alone keep, people want to be the one to find it. They want to be special.

  10. Are you trying to pursue something (happiness, "contentment") or are you just having trouble escaping something?

  11. If you find the one you have found the other. In no particular order.


  12. yes, peace and contentment are sustainable. dont react to bad situations just observe them go by and be concious in this moment.

    without sadness happienes could not exist. so there is no such thing as being purley happy. when you get something new to make you more happy after a while it becomes normal and it no longer makes you positiveley happy. you then need more.

    "if desire always within us be, its outer fringe is all that we shall see" lao tzu - tao te ching

  13. Contentment refers to the neuro-physiological experience of satisfaction and being at ease in one's situation.  It is more of an acceptance of the situation one is in or perceives.  It is not equal to happiness.  The difference may be subtle, but enough to require two different words to accurately define the difference.  Happiness implies more than mere acceptance to the situation.  It means that one is beyond content in a positive mental state of mind.

  14. In my life experience I have found that most material goods, they bring only a fleeting sort of happiness. If it something worth while and genuine then my happiness isn't so quick to disappear. How boring would life be for all if we just presued contentment? Very dull....

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