
Happy 4th? Can you answers these hockey questions?

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Happy Independence Day! It is not quite dark here yet, so I thought I put down my beer brat and ask a few questions.

1) Assume that when Michael Vick gets out of prison in 2009, and he is no long able to play for the NFL, would you mind if the played for your least favorite NHL team?

2) Would you grab you mother’s butt for a pair of nosebleed seats and a beer?

3) What sports movie is the bestter comedy?: Slapshot, Happy Gilmore, Caddyshack, Major League, or Dodgeball?

4) Do you think if Gretzky came out of retirement, he would still be better that 50% of the NHL?

6) If Sidney Crosby smoked cigarettes, would the media still excessively report the Kid?

7) Why dont they make NHL lockers out of cedar instead of oak? Any moths up north?

8) Whose luscious locks of mullet are more famous: Melrose or Jagr?




  1. Happy 4th of July to you!

    1) yes i would mind

    2) nope

    3) Major League

    4) probably


    6) i think they would

    7) idk

    8) Jagr

  2. 1. Hockey is LITERALLY a dogfight... so why not!

    2. I would do it for FREE lmao

    3. Slapshot and Caddyshack followed by HAPPY

    4. NO... he was losing his step and retired actually earlier than most people thought he would... but he is from a different ERA where they werent workout fiebds their whole career... I think he could have played longer if he had been

    5.???? Drinking???

    6. YES.. IE (John Daly)

    7. Baffling

    8. Melrose.. cause he is the better looking of the 2~

  3. 1. He's an idiot but guess which of our lovely trolls adores him...

    2. I'd grab my mom's butt for chocolate milk if I wanted it. Its just my mom's butt, I've been in worse parts of her anatomy...suffice to say I wasn't a c-section and I'm glad we don't remember that part of our lives.

    3. I haven't seen all of them, so I'll go with Dodgeball until I finally see SLapshot

    4. Holla

    5 comes after 4) Of course, cant cancel the Crosby show now

    7. I'm sure the smell would encourage them to consider it

    8. Jagr

  4. 1. Yea, I would mind. No place for him on our roster anyway! :)

    2. Nah.

    3. Dodgeball!

    4. No.

    6. Yes they would.

    7. Meh, does it matter? lol

    8. Melrose!!! King of mullets.

  5. 1 No, not at all, he can kick Emery's ***.

    2 Yes

    3 Happy Gilmour

    4 No

    6 The cigareete sales would go up 50%, and yes I do

    7 I have no idea

    8 Jagr, but it's close.

  6. 1) just another reason to hate the team!

    2)yeah !!! me like hockey.

    3)oh my gosh slap shot by far its my all time favorite!!

    4) yea once the great one ALWAYS the great one!

    5) where is five???

    6)yea ...that would be like breaking news for them!

    7)i didnt even know they were made outta moak...yea up in minny we have moths hahaha


  7. Happy Independence Day!

    1. No, no animal abusers on my team.

    2. Eww, well it's for hockey seats, of course I would.

    3. Happy Gilmore.

    4. Possibly.

    5. Yes.

    6. LOL, I have no idea.

    7.  Jagr.

  8. Happy 4th Haley!

    1. Of course I wouldn't mind. Maybe Brooks Orpik could give him some of that "free candy" c**p.

    2. No thanks.......lmao. I'll just go confront my father who has season tickets and beg for a ticket, or work for them.

    3. I love Slapshot and Caddyshack, so one of those. Probably Caddyshack because Bill Murray is a beast.

    4. Sure

    5. ......wait. There's no five.

    6. Yeah. You know they would just as well as I do that they would.

    7. Who knows.

    8. Tough one.......I might have to go with Jagr. His mullet was more luscious than Melrose.

  9. 1) No. id love to see him get laid out.

    2) im under 21 so id have to say no

    3) SLAPSHOT!! best comedy movie EVER!!

    4) probably

    6) yea, God i hate Crsoby

    7) They all freeze to death in the snowstorms

    8) Definitely Jagr

  10. 1) Assume that when Michael Vick gets out of prison in 2009, and he is no long able to play for the NFL, would you mind if the played for your least favorite NHL team?

    - Yes, I would mind if he played elsewhere. I always liked Vick and often wondered what sort of season he would have had behind the Eagles O-line and with T.O. at wideout.

    And this business with killing vicious dogs doesn't change my opinion of him. It ain't like he was dealing with cuddly house pets.

    Some folks take the issue of animal rights a little too far. I love animals too - especially the tasty ones.

    2) Would you grab you mother’s butt for a pair of nosebleed seats and a beer?

    I wouldn't grab my Mothers butt for a free F-250. And I like to keep my limbs attached to my body thank you.

    3) What sports movie is the bestter comedy?: Slapshot, Happy Gilmore, Caddyshack, Major League, or Dodgeball?

    - I may love hockey a little bit more than golf, but for minute to minute content, my heart was always with Caddyshack. Slap Shot is my second favorite and then all others are a very distant 3rd, 4th, etc.

    4) Do you think if Gretzky came out of retirement, he would still be better that 50% of the NHL?

    Nothing against him, and being 48 myself, I'd say better than 35% for sure.

    6) If Sidney Crosby smoked cigarettes, would the media still excessively report the Kid?

    - Oh h**l no. The special interest blockheads would pine for headlines over that issue and the spineless advertisers, networks, and teams wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot hockey stick.

    7) Why dont they make NHL lockers out of cedar instead of oak? Any moths up north?

    - I don't know, there's something completely wrong with a great smelling locker room.....

    8) Whose luscious locks of mullet are more famous: Melrose or Jagr?

    - As a man, I must disqualify myself from answering this question. But if either were to doze off at a BBQ at my house, and my scissors were nearby.....

  11. God I love firweworks :]

    1. He probably couldn't skate..but I'd like to seem him try and get leveled..

    2. Probably...then I'd explain. But I can'tt drink so.. :]

    3. Happy Gilmore. I love that movie.

    4. If he gets in shape..yes.

    5. Maybe..I'm sure some would stay away, but probably yes.

    6. Ummm.

    7. Melrose.

  12. 1. yeah he belongs in the doghouse.thug.

    2. Goose! Sorry mom..ha!

    3. Slapshot

    4. Nope. He's no longer in game shape..but IF  he was..look out world.

    5. Hey drunk wth happened to 5?  LOL

    6. Nope.

    7. idk

    8. Jagr>Melrose but Melrose stil lhas his mullet..

  13. 1. lol id love him to maybe he would tackle them all and put em out so that they cant plague the world with their horrible skills.

    2. well...what kind of beer? prob we would have a laugh about it and share a beer

    3. happy gilmore

    4. probaly not up to speed pysically but hey he has the experience

    5.  yes

    6.  probably more readily available

    7.  jagr

  14. 1.) No he should be hung, he doesn't even fit in as a Ranger...and that's bad!!!

    2.)2 squeezes and a good game!!

    3.)Dodgeball..."Nobody makes me bleed me own blood....nobody"

    4.)I sure do!.

    6.) They would put cigarette adds back on TV...."I'd walk a mile for a Penguin"

    7.)um...IDK why.

    8.) Barry's never went away jagr cut his.

  15. 1) I would mind very much. He lost a lot of respect from me for doing what he did that ended him up in jail.

    2) my mother passed... but hellz yeah. i'd grab anyones butt for seats :)

    3) Happy Gilmore. Classic. Plus it has Adam in it and you can't get any better than him

    4) yeah, probably. he'd show them up forsure.

    (you skipped 5.)

    6) he probably does smoke. At the end of every game (they win?) Ryan Malone would pass out cigares. It's a tradition.

    7) does oak smell better? who knows lol

    8) Jags.

  16. 1) When Vick gets out, he will be tried on state charges in Virginia. They are just waiting for him to get out, foaming at the mouth like a mad dog. So the Rags will be spared his services a few more years.

    2) Wait, I'm on "Punk'd" right?  Or is it the new show where daughters do dirty dancing with their dads?

    **But I'd grab yours for the seats. I 'll let you keep the beer.

    3) Out of those, Slapshot, Caddyshack, Major League, Happy Gilmore, then Dodgeball.

    4)Only if he gets the same kind of protection from the league he used to get.

    5) I guess this was rhetorical question.  The wheels on the  (short) bus go round and round......

    6) Yes, there would be paparazzi reporting on him coming out of some sleazy dive with a cancer stick in his mouth escorting Brittany Spears.

    7) Because then Ray Emery would break more of them, and teams don't want the expense of constantly replacing his handiwork.

    8) Billy Ray Cyrus is more famous than either of them. You're breaking my achey-breaky heart Homes :(

  17. 1) If he is unable to play in the NFL, he'll definitely be unable to play in the NHL.  After all, he can't take a hit!

    2)  h**l no!  (Your butt maybe!)

    3)  Slappshot...............some of those movies you mentioned were downright stupid and idiotic

    4)  No

    6)  Yes, it never stopped them with Guy Lafleur

    7)  Canada has more oak trees than cedar (although in Ottawa they are maple, Montreal is Mahogany, and Chicago we had MBF)

    8)  Melrose

  18. 1- I don't want him anywhere near my favourite sport...even if he does plays for the Lightning.

    2- Absolutely

    3- Slapshot

    4- Yes...but he wouldn't last long.

    6- Sure they would...they'd just hide it somehow.

    7- Probably because it's stronger than the players odours. Moths aplenty up here.

    8- Jagr

    5-  Charcoal. Sulphur and Salt Peter (Potassium Nitrate)

  19. 1)No. Keep Micheal Vick the heck away from me.

    2)Nah. I can buy those myself.

    3)Slapshot by far

    4)I think he would be better than maybe 40% , but not more. He would be slow now.

    5)Where is 5????????????

    6)Most lilely. They did with Pavel Bure and he smoked

    7)Cost? Oak is cool looking though

    8)Jagr's . Nice and pooffy

  20. 1.yeah i would mind hes a disgrace to man kind lets keep him away from our seemingly clean sport

    3.slapshot that dude is old


    6. yeah they would still suck his d**k

    7.i dont get the problem so yes


  21. 1.No i hate that man! If he ever played for the NHL i would freak! He can stick to football because i don't watch it!

    2.Sure, I don't think it would be too weird, I would just be joking around.

    3.Happy Gilmore

    4.Probably, things have changed but i still think he would be "The Great One"

    6.ya, the media wouldn't care, to the media he is a superstar

    7.I don't know, i don't think about things like that


  22. 1) I don't think he even knows how to skate. That said, bring it on! He and Laraque can duke it out at centre ice.

    2) Maybe not my own mother's, but that of a MILF, sure would.

    3) A tough call between Slapshot and Caddyshack.

    4) Give him time to get back in playing shape and yes.

    5) Did you purposely not list question number five?

    6) Probably but half of his fan club wouldn't be able to join him in the locker room.

    7) Good question. I have long wondered that myself

    8) I would have to say Melrose, but more people know about Jagr and I don't mind a mullet luscious ..

  23. 1.Yes, very much

    2. Nope sorry

    3. Slapshot

    4. It's a safe bet he would be

    6. In a flash they would!

    7. Don't know

    8. Melrose

  24. 1.) Yes!  He's a dog abuser!  He should play JUST so Laraque can beat the c**p out of him.  Then he will retire.

    2.) Yeah.  She'll understand.  :-P

    3.) Slapshot of course.

    4.) Sure.  If Chelios can play at age 46, so can Gretzky.

    6.) Yes, and about his smoking.  They'd still love him.

    7.) Haha, I had no idea what kind of wood they made lockers out of in the first place.

    8.) Melrose.  He still has one.

  25. 1)No.I wouldn't mind if he played for the Rags.Although alot of PETA people live in New York.

    2)d**n!!All these years of grabbing her butt and I could have gotten seats and a beer?

    3)Caddyshack.."Hey the hat looks good on you though".

    4)Probably 25% after conditioning.

    6)If hes over 18 who cares what he does in his free time.

    7)Not sure.

    8)Jagr hands down!

  26. 1:  Vick wasn't even that good, so he might even have more of an impact in the NHL,  but his parole might not let him leave the country,

    2: well, given the fact i have season tickets that are good seats, no,

    3: Slapshot, then gilmore, then majorleague

    4: No, he wouldn't because he has worked out with the coyotes and admitted he couldn't keep up

    5:  Well, someone forgot a question

    6: Maybe he does,  how do you know what he does in the privacy of his own home?

    7: Why waste good oak when cedar does just as well

    8: Jagr,  it made sure that even if you couldn't see the number,  you knew it was him,  have fun in europe

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