
Happy Diamond wedding Anniversary to the Queen and Prince Philip?

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Bless them, 60 years together!!

Thank you




  1. This is not a question.  You've been reported.

  2. Blessed Be to them both

  3. yes god bless them

  4. I don't know how they do it!

    Literally :p

    that's kinda icky... i'ma shutup now.

  5. I most heartily agree and add my congratulations to yours you can also send them a personal message at

  6. Yes, I agree!

  7. Yeah hip hip hooray!

    Did u read the Hello mag bit about them? The facts were so sweet... he calls her 'Cabage' and 'Sausage'.

  8. Hear ! Hear ! Long may she reign !

  9. Yeah right! Pity in those sixty glorious years they did not do a bit more about stopping this once great country from going to the dogs.

  10. p**s off with your kings and queens.Do you even know why we fought the American war of Independence, It was to forever shake off the yoke of Royalty of kings and queens. Americans have some pride.Let those brown  nose Aussies and the like of their ilk and the lily livered wannabe

    Colonists do the wishing for the queen.And as the great Patrick Henry said "Give me Liberty or Give me Death" He did not say Happy Anniversary your majesty,,,,,end of story rory

  11. ...and so say all of us.

  12. Wishing them both many more happy years!

  13. Sixty years is amazing.

    Sixty months is considered a long time these days.


  14. it is an achievement ,not many will ever do. nice isn't it..

  15. Good, I've been looking for a reason to sing God Save the Queen without people thinking that I am a Brit or a nutter.

  16. Congratulations from Melbourne to the Queen of AUSTRALIA and Prince Philip.

    We love them downunder.

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