
Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there...?

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Wishing a happy fathers day to all dads here...Enjoy your day, and your family. =)

A few Penguin questions?

Thoughts on trading Malone? It's great that he's a hometown guy and all, but from the sounds of all I've been hearing, the "hometown discount" thing isn't going the way he led us to believe it should....He's not bending too much from around 5, from what I hear, and he's not worth that, imho.

Also, anyone else hear that we offered Hossa a contract? If so, any idea on the terms of it? There were a few rumors flying around about that in the last couple days, but I'm not sure of the truth of them.. they're not called "rumors" for nothing, eh...?




  1. Thanks for the wishes Dan!

    I haven’t seen enough of Malone play to say whether he’s worth the money he wants or not. However, watching him play in the playoffs and the finals that guy earned my respect. Malone is hardcore!!!!

    I tell you what. Let me get a hold of Brett Hull and Les Jackson, and we’ll see if we can’t send some young Left Wingers your way for Malone. How’s that sound? Lol.

  2. I'm not a dad but I can put on a mustache, pretend I'm a man, find a random kid at the park, and say I'm a dad!


    Trading Malone.......last night when I started thinking about it I was pissed at Malone, but I don't mind as much. Malone is a great guy, he's one of the greatest Pittsburgh born people I can think of, but.........we have to get rid of someone. I agree! He's NOT worth five million....I really don't know what he's thinking. Atleast we'll now have some extra money for guys like Orpik, Ruutu, Laraque, Hall, Dupuis and Conklin.

    Yeah, I heard about Hossa. Honestly, I'm thrilled. I've been wanting to get another Pittsburgh jersey (I already have the Winter Classic) and I've been secretly wanting a Hossa jersey. Can't get a Hossa jersey if he doesn't stay, lol.

    He was offered a 7 year contract so they say. He has a "deadline" too. Shero wants him to decide before or right after the Draft, so we'll know in or within a week. Everyone sounds confident he'll accept it too.

  3. happy fathers day to you, if you are a dad, and the rest of the dads on here.

    i think that malone is staying and i think that hossa might be going to you guys, but i'm not sure, i guess they are just rumors!

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