
Happy birthday Madiba?

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happy birthday old boy!

ok, now for ALf, Bull and co's comments which are always welcome




  1. The radio is saying it from everybody  -  i think they've played the happy birthday song for Madiba about 10 times already

  2. Molo Tata, Happy Birthday!

  3. Is it not astonishing to see how many Marxist freedom fighters have become President? I have a feeling of great kinship with Mandela, because in our hearts and in our lives, we have a lot in common.

  4. Happy birthday Madiba and thank you for setting us all free - in mind, body and spirit!

  5. You forgot the predictable bit.

  6. Mandela is an inspirational example of the effectiveness of prison. Prison completely rehabilitated Mandela - he has been out 15 years now and hasn't reoffended.

    Well, unless you count receiving stolen goods (i.e. South Africa).

    Personally, I always thought they should have hanged Comrade Mandela, would have saved everyone a lot of grief in the long run.

  7. Happy birthday Tata! I hope we all can learn something from your life. May you be blessed with many more years.

  8. Sorry, but I will not join in the celebrations. EVIL will always look comforting and appealing to human kind. To me, he is one of Satan's representatives on earth. Remember the "Beast" live in such a form amongst humans that they will glorify it.

  9. Yeah Happy Birthday!!!



    My bad :-)


  10. While you and the others celebrate the birthday of a known terrorist and baby killer, I will rather opt to silently remember the 19 murdered civilians and over 200 maimed women and children who suffered Mandelas evil terrorism as innocent victims of the Church Street Bombing, also not forgetting the victims of other ANC terrorist atrocities directly authorised by that thug or the savage necklacing of all dissidents to his communist agenda.

  11. My best wishes to Madiba as well and i hope he will have a wonderful day with his family.

  12. Happy B-Day Madiba. You made us a proud nation.

  13. Yep! Happy Birthday Mandela! Thanks for bringing us together!

  14. Happy birthday ntate moholo! (trans: Grandfather)
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