
Harassment! Help please.

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I have long term history with these two girls. When I was kicked out of my house I stayed with April. She had a bad falling out with the Angelina, They were best friends. I was 4 months pregnant with April's boyfriends baby. Her boyfriend Mike cheated on her with me and I got pregnant. April had me attempt to fight Angelina but Angelina backed down. Now April and Angelina are tighter than ever. They do nothing but call me restricted telling me to rot in h**l with my dead baby, I miscarried at 14 weeks. She is threatening my whole family and leaving threatening voicemails. I went as far as to change my number thursday night. Somehow they got it. I wish I knew how. It's still continuing. Restricted calls over and over, threatening voicemails over and over aswell as emails. I am not afraid of these girls in the least I know they are making empty promises but its so annoying. What can I do?


I recently found out that Mike molested his little sister 4 years ago. Is their any way I can report that. I still talk to his little sister she is petrified of him and still has a hard time with it.




  1. My question to you is ,,,, Do you like all the drama  

  2. restraining order, but you need proof so keep the evidence of their harasment handy

  3. you r stupid for messing with your OWN friends man..

    U brought it on yourself, yet they are way out of line, callt he COPS

    THREATS ARE NO JOKES, record the convo and next time say, my lawyer will be contacting your parents, I just spoke to the cops and your threats will get you thrown in jail, so please keep calling, you are adding to your sentence LOL

    that should scare them .....

    as far as the sister issue, tell his parents and social services

  4. You and your "friends" are prime examples of why some people should not be allowed to procreate....

  5. If you play with fire you will get burnt, find a nice unattached fireman to date, or keep your pants on, and remove yourself from the line of fire.

  6. What a f*ked up mess.  Your life should be a daytime soap. BTW don't mess with everyone Else's boyfriends & some of your trouble will go away .

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