
Harbajhan finally gets his candy

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Harbajhan finally gets his candy
Tottering and frolicking around in the ground was a certain Harbajhan Singh, a tourist, who had come to taste the air of Africa. Harbajhan Singh is not like the other tourists around; he’s a man of simple tastes, a man who finds the white man intriguing
and the black man not so interesting. We are sneaky little men here at and we got hold of Harbajhan’s diary as he was leaving after lunch to head out to the ground. Let us give our viewers a glimpse of his personal diary.
“Dear Diary,
I love you so much. I love you more than everyone I know because I understand that you are the only one in my life who understands me this well. Today I didn’t want to wake up but Sreesanth ate a lot of food last night and was suffering from indigestion.
He kept releasing chemical toxins in the room and it became too hard for me to bear. I decided to get up, get dressed for the big day. So I slipped in my cricket gear, put some coconut oil on my head, wished myself good luck and set off for breakfast.
Mama Sachin and Papa Dravid look after me really well. They asked the waiter to get me breakfast. Scrambled eggs and orange juice with toast. I think, Kallis likes me. He smiled at me the other day while batting. I like him, he’s sugar and spice and awfully
white. Not like Andrew Symonds. Andrew Symonds was a monkey. Haha. I am so funny.
On our way to the stadium, I asked mama Sachin to get me some cotton candy. She got me two cotton candies. These little kids were passing by, they waved at me. I think they like me. They are very cute. Like me.
Then I suddenly remembered how Dhoni had promised to get me candy yesterday. I went up to Dhoni who was combing his hair and putting on the very very s**y hair gel. I asked him to get me Candy, he replied rudely in Hindi. “Chal oye, have you looked at
yourself? I’d rather get candy for all the hot girls in the stadium. Why would I get you candy? You think you are hot eh?”
I nodded and said, “I am hot.” Dhoni made fun of me on that. He said I got burnt with my hotness so I tanned. I took out my sunscreen and emptied the contents on my face. They will make me white. I showed him the tongue. He made a very rude hand
sign at me. I wanted to prove Dhoni wrong, dear diary. If he did not get me candy I will take candy myself. I will become eye candy for everyone today.
So I went in there, my anger was burning me inside. It was also melting some of the sunscreen on my “white face” which started dripping down. I had to prove that I was eye candy so I started pulling up all the tricks up my sleeve against the Proteas. The
first to depart was Graeme Smith; Harbajhan got him trapped in front of his stumps. Petersen departed soon after, Harbajhan trapped him in front of his stumps. Next to depart was Paul Harris, eye candy Harbajhan trapped him in front of his stumps. The bearded
monster, Hashim of Amla seemed the most dangerous. The ball treacherously swirled through the air like a cobra, paused for a while, looked Amla in the eye and then screamed, “You just got Punk’d.” The ball hit the stumps.
I did what I do best, when I ensured that I was eye candy. I did the jog dance, eyes closed, jumping like a wistful rose having taken his revenge from the man who refused the rose some candy.



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