
Hard Drive install problems, can you help?

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I am trying to install an HP 40MB with my OS onto a Dell tower. Here are a few of the results.

1. When I put my 40MB HD in the dell, the dell doesnt see it.

2. When I put that 40 into the HP, it boots right up.

3. When I put my 40 and a 120G its sees both but still doesnt boot. I dont get it. I have done alot with computers and have never had this happen. I know the Dell is good, saw it operate yesterday with my buddies hard drive. I know the seagate is compatible with the dell, i went to the seagate website and it shows it as a comp to dell model. What am I not doing right?




  1. check your master/slave settings on the back of the drive (the little jumpers)  If its stand alone (one drive on the cable) set it to master.  Also, unless you sysprep the OS, you can just move a windows install from one PC to another, the OS wont boot.

  2. Have you set the jumper positions on the hard drives?

    One has to be the "master", the other the "slave". You should see the jumper settings on the hard drive, as it may differ from different manufacturers.

    PS: You have a 40MB hard drive with an OS installed on it? XP Light? Maybe you meant GB :)

    I would make the 40GB the master, and the 120 the slave since you have the OS on the 40GB.

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