
Hard Question that's hard to consider!!! 10 points easy?

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What came First the chicken or the egg? I want a reason for your answer and ten points are yours!!!




  1. teh chicken because for the egg to hatch and a chick to come out of it we need a hen who will sit on it and keep it warm so the chicken/hen came first and then she laid eggs.

  2. The chicken came first because the egg was not part of the chickens genetics until it evolved to include an egg because it was essential to the survival of the chicken during the process of fetus development.

  3. the egg...

    since it's the biggest living cell the cell grew to be chicken

  4. From a Biblical perspective, it had to be the chicken, as it says in Genesis that animals, not gametes were created to populate the earth.  From a Darwinian perspective, one might argue either way, in that, an creature that eventually became a chicken would have to pass along that genetic info generationally through the eggs(or sperm) to ensuing generations.  Philosophically, one might argue that the question is irrelevant, since the two are mutualistically linked.

    I opt for the chicken, myself.

  5. Who cares dude??? Either way they great for eggs and fried chicken! :D!!!!!

  6. the egg was first. When things evolve it isn't during their life, it is previous to birth, so whatever bird evolved into today's chicken laid an egg, and what hatched out of that was the chicken.

  7. If you go with the idea of evolution than another animal could've given birth to an egg which became the chicken we know today. So I'm going with the egg came before the chicken theory.

  8. God created chickens and then told them to multiply.

    So chickens came first.

    Actually, God did not create anything that was not already matured....

  9. Eggs, laid by fauna other than chickens.

  10. 2 Chickens were on the Ark after a passionate moment the end result was the egg and the circle of life continues.

  11. This is just my opinion of course, but I think the egg came first.  Dinosaurs were laying eggs long before chickens even evolved.  Sure, the eggs were big and leathery, but they were eggs nonetheless.  

    Remember, you didn't specify the egg as a chicken egg.

  12. The egg - as with all animals - a unique mutation must have happened at some stage the the evolution process to change the "thing like a chicken" into what we would call "a chicken"  Alternitavely you could get two things that look a bit like a chicken who breed to produce an offspring that takes the chicken like qualitites of the parents and leaves out the non chicken like properties - to produce a chicken.

    Both these processes either breeding or mutation by their very nature means that the chick in the egg has to be different to it's parents.  Although these proceses are usually very slow and in tiny stages, the offspring  would still be different to the adult at each stage.

    Therefore the egg came first to parents who were a bit like a chicken!

  13. Its kinda both if you think about it, A chicked is born in a egg, but at the same time the chicken did because the chicken lays eggs. so its both

  14. The chicken.

    (Kudos to people who actually read my source and get it. ;) )

  15. The Chicken had to come first. The chicken was placed on the earth because it had to incubate the egg in order for it to survive. Also if there wasnt anybody to guard or protect the egg it would get trampled by all the larger animals. So therefore the Chicken would have to come first and the chicken was probably a mutation from another bird that had come from a lizard that was here from jurassic periods.

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