
Hard decision!!! Please help me???

by Guest59172  |  earlier

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Hi I have the choice of:

-going back to private boarding school which is about an hour away from my house. I have a few friends there but my best friend just left. And everyone there thinks Im crazy and a loser.

-or I could go to to a public day school which is 15 mins away from my house. I have no friends there but no one knows me so I could get a fresh start. My friend might be moving there too but Im not sure yet.

I really hate boarding school but I dont know anybody in the other school. Either way I'll only be there for 2 years.

Please help. What do you think I should do? I think I want to go to the day school but I cant make a decision. Help!!!!




  1. well...lets see

    you hate boarding school -

    1 hr away  -

    everyone thinks you're a loser-

    it might be cool when you are older +

    Public school 15 mins away +

    Evryone might love you +

    You prefer public school +

    I'd say boarding school, since you'll get a better education,

    learn manners to be in high scoiety and it's cool to tell others when you are older. eventhough it's gonna really suck now!!!!!!

  2. go with yuor heart sweetie.  Clean slate an no one that will put you down, sounds good to me.

  3. I switched school in HS and I found it really hard to make friends. When i got to the new HS I was going into 10th grade. I found that all the girls were extremely catty and mean to me. cause I was the "new girl". It seems to me that people in HS have a set group of friends from grade school and they all hang together. The only people that would talk to me were the trouble makers. or the geek squad. It was a toss up for me but I hang out with the trouble makers.. (what a mistake that was)..

    It is up to you but when they hear that you were at a boarding school be prepared to be harassed. Cause a boarding school cost $$. And you know how girls can be.... they will automatically think that you think that you are better then them. I really hated HS so glad it's over with.

    Good Luck

  4. save your parents some money, try going out or your comfort level and try new things. school ISNT about if you have friends or not... you should be learing, having friends will make everything easier because you can count on somebody to have your back, but its not all of school, ya digg? get a fresh start, and just be open

  5. Well do whatever YOU think is best! But my personal opinion would be go to the day school,since you dont like boarding schools! You will always make new friends at this new school! and like you said its only 2 years. Good luck!

  6. Public School! That is closer to your house and you can make new friend and have a new style. +Public schools rareley have uniforms so you can dress the way you want!

  7. Go to the public school near your house, cheaper, fresh start, you wont hate the people you have to go to school with AND live with.

  8. You said you have a few friends in the private boarding school but you don't know anyone from the public school.  You say that everyone in the private school thinks you are crazy and a loser. and you could make a fresh start in the public school. The coming 2 years are crucial in your adolescent years.  Both your choices have their pros and cons. Both can make you a better person.

    A. Going to the private school where you have some friends, and where everyone thinks you're a loser, will give you a chance to change your image in that school. You can show to everyone that you are not crazy and not a loser. That way, you learn to face the challenges in your life and develop your self confidence and maturity.

    B. Going to the public school will give you a fresh start for what? You will be running away from the bad image you have created in your old school and even if you excel in the new school, everyone in the old school still thinks you are crazy and a loser.  How would you get over that?

    Meeting challenges of adolescence is a part of growing up and molds us into what we become as adults. It is up to you how you are going to meet these challenges. You can meet them head on and rise to the challenge or you can turn around and run away from it.

  9. id go to the day school, you could get a new start and your freind could be going there, shes definently not going to the other school

  10. have a fresh start you can make new friends, ppl dont know you so u can be confident that who ever u want to be you can be. but in your heart im sure u have made your decision do wats right for you!

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