
Hard liquor or beer?

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I'm going away to Lake Havasu for a week and of course we plan to have a few drinks etc...I know both are bad, but which one is less fattening/likely to make you feel bloated??? Beer or hard stuff? I just hate it when I drink beer and I start getting all bloated.




  1. Least fattening drink is Bacardi and diet coke, 60 calories per serving.

  2. HARDDD LIQUOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. beer is more fattening, stick to hard liquor

  4. Liquor is probably better, unless you get into the sugary stuff.  Beer just about always makes people feel bloated, and the carbonation can also make your belly feel big.  Liquor gets you drunker faster (come on, I know that's part of your desire!) than beer as well, so you wouldn't have to drink as much.  Besides the liquor, however, you need to keep in mind the drinks you mix it with; if you mix something with a sugary soda and drink a c**p-ton of it it won't do you any good.

    Try Bacardi Silver and diet coke.  Also, you may try some of the Absolut vodkas with juice or a diet soda; they are a bit lighter on the sugar, carbs, and fat.

  5. hard liquor is less fattening and has no carbs in it usually.

    beer will make you feel super bloated and bubbly especially in the heat.

    however liquor can be fattening if you mix it with sugar like soda so be wary of that.

    i suggest buying real cranberry juice (not the cocktail cranberry) and mixing that with vodka.

    then you'll still get some vitamins as your destroying brains cells lol

    or any juice for that matter like Captain Morgan with pinapple juice is awesome.

    just play with it.

    make sure you drink tons of water and you won't feel sick at all.

    hope this helps a bit

    and have fun!

  6. Beer contains maltose - the worst type of sugar if you're wanting to lose weight.

  7. hard liquor if not try smirnoff. it's refreshing! my favorite is strawberry akai.

  8. roughly the same....standard beer is about 150 calories....while 1 oz of liquor is 65/70 calories....your standard shot is 1.5 oz and is 100 calories for vodka or rum (80 proof of course)....if you want to use that shot with a mixer then you will need to watch what you mix with colas and rum are ideal low calorie drinks...if you want to mix vodka with fruit juice check the label to be sure there are no added sugars

  9. beer had calories, believe it or not, and it does make you feel bloated if you had one too many. so stick to mixed drinks and liquor
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