
Hard riddle.......?

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a farmer has a fox a baby chick and a bad of grain and he has to get to the other side of the river.he can only bring one at a time in the boat but he can't leave the Fox w/ the chick,or the chick w/ the does he do so?




  1. Um... Take the chick to the other side, come back and get the grain, take that to the other side. Bring the chick back with him to the first side and set it there. Bring the fox to the other side with the grain. Go back to the first side, get the chick, go to the other side and Voila!


  2. Dear god I have no clue!! How?

  3. you take the chick over

    come back and get the grain and bring the chick back with you

    drop off the chick and take the fox over

    go back and get the chick and take it over

    I had it first the girl above me just edited her answer

  4. take the chick to the other side

    go back for the fox

    leave the fox but take the chicken (so the fox is alone)

    get the grain but leave the chicken (since you can only take one)

    take the grain and leave it with the fox

    go back for the chicken

    come back to the fox and grain and you have the chicken fox and grain

    and no one gets hurt or eaten

  5. this is an old riddle so i will give you a different viewpoint  the farmer gets tired and hungry from trying to guess how to do it  so he kills the chicken  rolls it in the grain for a coating  frys it and eats it and gives the leftovers to the fox because the fox is sitting there looking hungry and tired  the farmer has a good heart  so he shares  the fox has promised him the next chicken will be on him(the fox)  moral of story a full belly and a friend to share the meal with and a promise of a future meal is worth more than all the thinking and rowing  plus the boat had a leak

  6. Carry the chick over, return and take the fox over, bring chick back over. Leave chick and carry grain. Return and carry chick over.

  7. he leaves the fox with the grain duh that was easy

  8. ask a better ?

  9. He takes the chicken and leaves the grain and fox.

    Then, he gets the grain and takes it to the other side, but he takes the chicken back.

    Then, he gets the fox and takes it to the other side with the grain.

    Finally, he gets the chicken and takes it to the other side with the grain and fox.

  10. It's an old riddle. First the farmer should take the chick and leave it on the other side. Then he should take the fox with him and take the chick back, leave it on the first bank. Then he should take the grains and leave them on the other bank. And finally take the chick on the other bank.  

  11. Starting at side A, row chick to side B

    Return empty to side A

    Row fox to side B.

    Row chick back to A.

    Row Grain to B.

    Row back empty to A.

    Row chick back to B.

  12. First the chick...Then the fox...Then the chick come back and the grain go's over...Then the chick agine...All Done

  13. Get the chicken over.  then get grain

  14. Fox grain and then chick!!! its harder when you do a fox a chick grain and i think its a lion or seomthing liket hat!!

  15. take the chick first

  16. Chicken first, then the fox, then the grain (?)

  17. He takes the chick over first, comes back and gets the fox and when he goes to drop the fox off he takes the chick back over and drops it off, taking the grain back over to the fox. Then he makes one last trip to pick of the chick




  18. i dont want to steal someones answer, so this is the only one i didnt know from you
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