
Hard time making decisions??

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i cant make any decisions anymore

even little things, like picking my favorie movie, or a username for a website can take 15 minutes, even what i say in conversations

it makes me look really stupid, and im tired of it

i couldnt even finish writing this question without stopping to start over again

im 13 btw




  1. I am so glad you asked this question! We all have trouble making decisions! Many people are just good at hiding it, while others aren't really as aware of it. To me, you are very aware of yourself and your surroundings, and honey, that's a wonderful thing! Many people don't have that gift of sensitivity and self-awareness that you have for yourself or for others. My first thought is that you have so many interests that you would have trouble choosing a favorite movie. I just say "I have so many favorites it's hard to choose just one" then I name a couple that come to my mind and I leave it at that. For instance, if someone asked me what is my favorite music, I go nuts because I like so much! Like, where do I even start? Sometimes I listen to the same song over and over and over again, just because I like it. Right now, I'm listening to Pet Shop Boys "Actually", and yesterday it was New Order. So, what to do? Please realize that your indecision is really because you have so many choices to choose from! I get stuck choosing a User name because I try to have different ones for everything I do. I have to use a password generator because I use different passwords for everything. It's so hard to choose just one good movie, or meal, or fave band, or book, or username. You are not stupid. You just have a lot of favorites. Choosing a username for a site is tough because you want something that reflects you, and there is nothing stupid about that either! If someone acts like you are stupid, they don't understand that you may be overwhelmed with so many choices. But there's nothing -wrong- with that! There is nothing -wrong- with you either! So keep your chin up, know that you are lucky to have so many choices for things. I really love your sensitivity, so please don't ever lose that while trying to be someone you are not, or while trying to please everybody else. Hugs to you!

  2. ur indecisive like me :D its an annoying thing but we just have to belive in ourselves more into trusting out descisions lol.

    or if you cant decide on one or the other then get both :D works for me alot

  3. I'M ITALIAN! I don't understand...I'm sorry

    good night...


  4. I used to have that problem..what i do now is i just go with my first choice and i don't let my self change it anymore.if i do change my mind i go nuts

    so  just stick with your first choice and don't change it

  5. Go with your heart.

    I'm 14, and if you ever want to talk about anything, feel free to e mail me anytime,

  6. If that problem just arose in past year or so it could be a consequence of new hormone levels.  Rising estrogen levels can cause things like that.

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