
Hard to choose is Rugby,Coventry or Tipton the biggest toilet in the Midlands?

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Hard to choose is Rugby,Coventry or Tipton the biggest toilet in the Midlands?




  1. Tipton. By far! Rugby is a nice place, with some character and history.

    Coventry is, well, at least its got the Transport Museum and a Cathedral.

    Tipton has the pie factory, and not much else.

  2. Is anywhere in the Midlands not a toilet?

  3. The whole country is a mess, why pick on just those three ? Rugby is my hometown it`s not really that bad !

  4. You forgot to add Dudley, I know at least one dirty old slag that lives there.

  5. Ooohh, what about Hay Mills, Sparkbrook, Sparkhill.....these areas are truly the pits!!!

  6. My fiance lives in Rugby, and I visited Rugby and Coventry whilst I was over there. Rugby is actually a nice place in the town square. I would say no on Rugby lol

  7. i think we have the biggest toilet areas here in Birmingham,,, e.g sparkbrook, sparkhill, tysley, erdington and castle vale

  8. Rugby is a good town because it spawned the greatest sport on Earth :-)

  9. avoid the whole place, why need go there, someone make y'a

  10. i travel all over the midlands & i'd say the old north staffordshire mining towns are the worst in terms of neglect,etc. you could be back in the 70's or 80's. as for tipton, i'd of agreed 10 years ago but there has been hundreds of private housing built on the derelict old factorys

  11. never colley gate is the biggest full of ****

  12. tipton hence tip ton

    say no more

  13. NO WAY!

    Stourport is the biggest S*IT HOLE!

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