
Hard to explain this issue to my 6years old daughter ?

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My daughter keeps on asking me why old people die?and why people should die? like to explain it to her why, but she is vulnerable to accept the reality because she is just a kid that's why I am stress right now how can I explain it to her pls help any ideas thanks




  1. I agree with the first answer.  She's old enough to know the truth.

    My son had the chance to be eased in to the idea of death due to the loss of a few goldfish and later on, our cat.  And he knew that my Nana had died before he was born, so he eventually put two and two together and realized that all things die, including people.

    Just tell her every living thing dies eventually, including people.  The only "white lie" I told my son about death was that it happens to people after they are very, very old and have lived nice, long, fulfilling lives.  I didn't think it was necessary that he know right now that children sometimes die.

    There are some wonderful books out there that can help to explain death to a child.  Some deal with the concept of Heaven, and some do not, so you can choose one based on what your beliefs are in that area.

  2. because they already finished their responsibilities to their loves ones they should because it is the fortune of an mankind

  3. Just tell her the truth. She is 6 she should under stand.  Dont sugar coat it.  

  4. My 4 year old daughter has been very curious for the last couple of months about dying and what happens and where people go when they die etc.. I told her that people can't live forever, and when they get old

    they get old their bodies get tired and they need to rest. I told her about Heaven and how beautiful it is there and people are no longer sick, tired etc.. It made a huge difference and my daughter was very happy with my answer and never was she scared.

    Good Luck!

  5. she is only six many people would make up something but she is your daughter and deserves to know the truth but maybe not until she's a few years older. i don't advise you to tell her about that it will just bring another bunch of questions.

  6. I guess first you would have to look at your own views and thoughts about death. If you are a religious person then the answer is simple. If you believe there is no "life" after death then tell your child that or maybe lie and say we go to sleep... would you lie to your child? I can only answer your question by my own account. I knew about death since I was very little and as I asked more questions about death, I in a way found my own answer to the question. One that satisfies me to this day. Life to me makes no sence without a creator. One place you can look for an answer is in the bible... read it and find out if you like your answer.

  7. I would really encourage you to talk to her and let her ask you the questions because there might be something she has heard that she doesn't understand fully and is worried or frightened about.

    It depends what your beliefs are and if she has experienced loss of family and friends.

    I would try to focus on death as a natural part of life, rather than just death on it's own. There are loads of books and stories with death and life in them, also films (the Lion King for example). If she points out a dead bird you could say that when you get home you're going to look at an egg and talk about birth as well. Farms are wonderful resources for learning life's lessons. Be open and honest and search for age appropriate stories.

    You will not scare her and it will not turn into a morbid fascination if you talk about it. In fact not brushing it under the carpet is more likely to have that affect!

    Just look at it like any other learning experience.

  8. If you are religious, then share your beliefs about the afterlife with her.  Explain to her that our bodies aren't meant to last forever, and that as people get old their bodies start to wear out and they don't work as well.  They start to feel pain and eventually their bodies die so that they don't have to feel pain anymore.  Good luck!

  9. well my daughter is three and sometimes I tell her that God wanted the person or animal to come keep him company, but other times she asks me for the "REAL" reason and i tell her the biological explanation and much as I think she can understand

    People get older every year and we have birthdays every year...thats why she is 3! Well each year that someone gets older their bodies change. Old people have lived for SO long that their bodies cant change for the better anymore and they have to go back to be with God. I also explain to her that if people didnt go be with God or "die" then we would run out of room on earth for all the people to its kind of like God making sure everyone down here is still able to have room to run and play and live thier lives until it is time for them to go back and be with god. She seems to accept this explanantion and will repeat it in her 3 yr old way most of the time.

    Just my thoughts


  10. Tell her the make room for other people

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