
Hard to remove athletes foot? ?

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theres like a circular rubbery feeling thing on the bottom of my foot right under my last 2 toes. i know its athletes foot cause its there between my 4th an 5th toe and i believe i scratched an made It spread. any tips on killing it? ive tried bedadyne and bleach




  1. This is going to sound sick but it works. When your in the shower .. Pee on your feet. it will get rid of the fungus

  2. Home Remedy for Athelete's Foot / Tinea Pedis - Get rid of Athelete's Foot / Tinea Pedis using these homemade remedies

    1. Foot fungus: Take - 1 Cup of Epsom Salts, 1/2 Cup of Clorox

    Fill up foot bath with as hot a water as you can stand so it covers your feet and soak for 20 minutes or longer. If water gets cold add more hot water to keep the water warm. Do this each evening for 3 days until foot fungus disappears.  Wait a week before doing it again if you have really bad fungus.

    2. Vinegar, apple cider : Try rubbing it on the affected area with cotton balls. Let dry for 30 minutes. Rinse off.

    3. Put a cup of vinegar in several quarts of very warm water and soak the foot for 15-20 minutes; repeat twice a day. This remedy will also kill fungus that has gotten under the toenails. It works great remedy for curing Athelet's foot infection. Vinegar is effective because it makes the pH slightly more acidic.

    4. Try soaking your feet in vinegar It changes the skins ph so that the fungus can not grow.

    5. One of the most important things to do to combat athlete's foot is to keep the feet dry at all times. The fungus needs moisture to grow. After drying your feet, scrape away the loose skin to allow any medication to penetrate the infected area.

    6. Athlet's foot Garlic Remedy - One method is to rub a clove of raw garlic on the fungus. A second method is to put some freshly crushed garlic on the affected area and leave it on for half an hour; wash with water. Do this once a day for a week and the athlete's foot should be gone. If the garlic burns, remove, wash with water and try again with diluted garlic juice. You may have to play around with this remedy to get the potency that is right for you. Garlic is an excellent antibiotic, and studies have shown that its compounds can kill the fungus that causes athlete's foot.

    7. Athlet's foot or Tinea Pedis Ginger Remedy - Ginger is a strong antifungal. Boil a cup of water, add one ounce of chopped fresh ginger, and simmer for twenty minutes. Let it cool and apply to your feet twice a day.

    8. An Effective home remedy for Athlet's foot: Tea tree oil derived from the leaves of the native Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree, contains antiseptic compounds that are a very effective skin disinfectant. Depending on severity, use 5-15% solutions daily, diluting the tea tree oil with olive oil. Rubbing some on the affected area with a cotton ball several times a day for three to five days should eliminate the problem of Athlet's foot.

    9. Dust your feet twice daily with garlic powder or wash with garlic juice and see the result !!

    10. Chaparral An effective herbal remedy for curing Athlet's foot uses chaparral. Mix six tablespoons of dried chaparral to one quart of boiling cheap whiskey or wine; reduce and simmer for 20 minutes; remove and steep for 8 hours. DO NOT use aluminum cookware! Soak your feet in this solution.

    Prevention tips for Tinea pedis - Athlete foot

    Below are some prevention tips for Athelete's foot -

    Wash your feet daily.

    Dust an anti fungal powder on your feet and into your shoes.

    Wear socks made of cotton or wool, and change them at least twice a day or when they have become damp.

    Treatment should be continued for two weeks after the symptoms have disappeared to ensure the infection has been treated effectively.

    In public showers, do not go barefoot; use rubber sandals.

    Keep your feet thoroughly dry, especially between your toes.

  3. Nup, doesn't sound like tinea/athletes foot. There are many other things it could possibly be. I think you should pay a visit to a podiatrist and get an expert opinion.

  4. The best thing I have tried was a generic athletes foot cream that I just walked into the chemist and got in less than 3 minutes.

    I'd try a salt wash cause it kills germs...and maybe some hydrogen peroxide.

  5. The classic telltale signs of a yeast overgrowth ....... candidiasis ......  are those of jock itch or athlete's foot, a white tongue (thrush), toenail or fingernail fungus and vaginal yeast infections...........  an overgrowth of yeast can affect virtually every system of the body with the gastrointestinal, genitourinary, endocrine, nervous and immune systems being the most susceptible.... common symptoms of candidiasis include:

    Digestive disorders, including IBS;

    Gastrointestinal symptoms: thrush, bloating gas, rectal itching;

    Vaginal yeast infections;

    Urinary tract infections;

    Athlete's foot or jock itch;

    Fungal toenails or fingernails;

    Cravings for sugar, bread, or alcohol;

    Diaper rash;


    Irritability (especially when hungry);

    Premenstrual syndrome and menstrual problems;



    Brain fog;

    Skin problems or itching;

    Numbness or tingling in the extremities;

    Respiratory problems;



    Short attention span;

    Loss of libido.

    Candidiasis almost never occurs in people with healthy immune systems who eat a diet low in sugar and need to avoid all yeast and sugar products to kill a yeast infection ......... sugar will literally feed the yeast overgrowth allowing it to flourish......... ditch the alcohol and sodas and diet sodas too if you drink any .......... antiobiotics, especially broad - spectrum antiobiotics will also kill the helpful bacteria which you need for a healthy gut ........ supplement with a good quality probiotic to rebalance gut flora ......... this part is absolutely essential for without the good flora your system will remain completely out of whack ...... eat more alkaline forming foods such as leafy and green vegies, fishes such as tuna, salmon, sardines and whiting, organic nuts and seeds such as almonds and brazil nuts........ all these foods are rich in magnesium and will thus encourage the production of hydrochloric acid in your tummy aiding in digestion and effective elimination ........the leafy greens and fishes are also rich in calcium and protein and the fish are a rich source of vitamin D too ....... eat organic brown rice and quinoa (prounounced keen ~ wah) as they are both a rich source of the B complex of vitamins and will provide you with the carbs you need for sustained energy and the quinoa is also rich in calcium and iron .......... don't forget about getting enough iron on a daily basis too ie ~ lean red meats ..... Avoid sugars such as honey, molasses, fructose, maltose, lactose (that means all milk and dairy products) and fruit juices ...... avoid artificial sweetners and foods containing brewer's yeast - ie - alcohol such as beer, wine, brandy, whiskey, rum, ciders and root beer.... avoid baker's yeast ie ~ breads and rolls and pastries .... avoid mushrooms ... avoid fruits and vegies with any sign of mold growth on them .... avoid fermented beverages and condiments including mayonnaise, ketchup, pickled vegies and pickles, salad dressings (use lemon and olive oil instead), soy sauce and vinegar .... avoid all types of hard cheeses which are a pretty good source of mold.... avoid processed and smoked meats and fish, including hot dogs, sausages, luncheon meats etc....... these meats are processed with sugar, spices, yeast and other preservatives .... avoid canned bottled or frozen fruit and vegie juices cos they have loads of sugar and are commonly made from overripened or damaged produce; generally the skin of the fruit contains surface mold and rotten spots, which are pulverised into the juice... avoid dried fruits.... avoid coffee & tea as much as you can as caffeine will aggravate yeast overgrowth..................... you don't need to use medications to kill a yeast overgrowth ..... simply eliminate their food source and they will disappear on their own ...... if you normalise the bacterial flora in the gastrointestinal tract you will feel much better and in most cases won't need drugs ♥

    truly, eat loads and loads of green and leafy vegies, squeeze lemon juice over it to spice it up and help torch bacteria and bolster both your immunity and digestive process ........ and cold water fresh fishes and brown rice / quinoa and watch it clear up........ oh, drink loads and loads of fresh filtered water to ... to ensure you are properly hydrated as the healthiest and happiest body will always be the most hydrated one .

    make sure that you only eat organic nuts and seeds like almonds, brazil nuts and sunflower seeds too as they "preserve" the commercial varieties with sulfites and other nasty chemicals that will upset sensitive digestive systems.

    hope you feel better soon

    peace 2 you

  6. i promise this will work,,,soak ur feet in bucket of water with bleach,,,just not too much bleach,,,good luck

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