
Hardcore Punk Vocals?

by  |  earlier

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I've been in a band for about a year now playing bass and we've basically played some hardcore stuff and some punk rock stuff as well. Until now one of our guitarists handled the vocals but we are having problems focusing on the actual singing, there's not enough of it but the guitarist needs to play guitar. We were thinking about moving me on to vocals since my voice is lower and we could easily get another bassist.

Anyways, my question is, is there anything I can do to "train" my voice for shouting and making it sound good. If anyone has heard of the band champion(best hardcore band ever) then that's basically the type of vocals I would like to have.

Thanks in advance!




  1. i think the best way to train yourself for that kind of vocals would be by yourself.

    its hard to find singing lessons for yelling.

    so id suggest yelling a lot to get your throat used to it.

    that way it wont hurt a bunch when you take over vocals.

  2. smoke me on this one.
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