
Hardship license question.?

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ok I am 15, got my learners license therefore I've passes the written and driving tests. I need to get a hardship because I work and go to school. My parents are wasting a ton of gas making 4 trips to pick and drop me off at work and having some way to get a hardship would save us a whole lot of money. Plus I am going to be paying for part of my schooling. I got to private school so things get pretty expensive. I live in Arkansas and they told me I had to wait 6 months after getting my permit (which will be in Nov.) to apply for a hardship. Well by that time, I'll be able to get my license. I really do need some way to get a deal where I can drive to school and work only but I don't know how...any help??




  1. They are really strict on those! Pretty much you can only get one for reasons like your moms legs are cut off so you need to drive her around. It is REALLY hard to get one.

  2. actually what she's talking about is a hardship.

    from what you've said your argument sounds pretty eligible for a hardship. i live in arkansas too and they told me the exact same thing. but you do have to wait untill the 6th months is cleared. they're pretty strict about that. yo mayy be able to talk to them about letting you have it now. but im not so sure!! hope i helped a little? lol

    good luck!!

  3. >> I live in Arkansas and they told me I had to wait 6 months after getting my permit (which will be in Nov.)

    You can't get around that.  Hardship license is for people who ALREADY have a license and got it suspended (DUI, too many tickets, etc.)

    You did NOT have your license and you have NOT SHOWN that you can handle a car.  You cannot get around that requirement.

    And after that it is meant for people (adults) who provide income to the family.  It is hard to prove that at age 15 - especially if you are in school.


    Here's a california hardship license info site (they are all about the same)

    good luck...

  4. First you need a real hard ship, what you are talking about is not a real hardship. Grow up

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