
Hari Puttar?!?!? Okay...yeah...and we're supposed to believe that it is not copying Harry Potter...ooooookay?

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Does anyone believe the Indian producers of Hari Puttar when they say they are not copying Harry Potter...hmm let's see it's a story about an Indian boy in London..okay your right...Hari Potter..ERRR i mean PUTTAR is not copying them. I hope harry Potter sues the pants out of that copycat movie.

Is there anyone here that sides with the Indian Producers? I mean i'm indian and ashamed of this copycat movie.




  1. The name is similar to Harry Potter but i think after seeing the promos that the movie is a copy of Home Alone.The producers should be sued for copying English movies.

  2. yeah hari puttar sounds almost like harry potter.

    infact the name has been used before in kal ho naa ho.

    and the story of hari putter is similar to that of home alone.

  3. Warner Brothers is already suing them because they own the rights to HP.

  4. I think the Indian producers are listening to the song American Idiot too much.

    Hari Puttar.


    I think not.

  5. lol

    they always copy

  6. Well the movie seems more similar to Home Alone rather than Harry Potter. Bollywood really needs to think of something original

  7. well.....hi. m just as shocked as u r.....but they have just copied the name. but still.....Hari Puttar sounds sick! EWWWW !!! (m a BIG fan of harry potter)  actually if u read the is TOTALY a copy of  Home Alone 1 or 2 (i don't kno.) i mean, wat u said was cool....wen will indian directros become original? y r all of them copy cats? i prefer english movies more because their stories are straight to the point. there is no stupid "nach gaana" in the middle of the films. all bollywood movies are simply about romance!!!!  

  8. Bollywood copied the legendary Lobby Scene out of The Matrix and got away with it. Its kinda bollywood's thing, to remake American films and make them horrible

  9. I am sure they will get in some kind of trouble

  10. Lolz its the story of a villager boy who is very funny.

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  11. Actually this movie is an exact copy of Home Alone 1. Now after seeing the trailer, I feel the producers have copied whole elements from home alone 1&3.All the booby traps are similar to those in Home Alone1. And the chip part comes in Home Alone3 . If u ignore this, there is a mention of chip containing secret in the movie " The Pacifier"( Vin Diesel starrer). Seriously, I feel that Indian writers have lost creativity and can't come up with something original. Do they have to copy even the name? Home Alone 1,2&3  are huge hits and people will surely compare. Still I think I will watch it -to see how they have taken the movie.

  12. uuuhm...i don't think it's real. At least the video i found on youtube called hari puttar sure wasn't. It's a joke.  If you put a link to where you heard about it, maybe i could see what you're talking about.

  13. I don't know why Indian producers copy from hollywood in the name of "inspiration"............and before this they have made a movie called "aabra ka daabra"..............A-Z copy of HP

  14. we all know that indian producers r famous for their cheatin nd copyin of hollywood flicks..dey r obv.. all the time cheatin ...when u see God tussi gr8 ho u no that it is an absolute copy of Bruce Almighty. so once when it looks so similar just with the name ....a story of a guy....(Zain khan, whos not at all 10 yrs ol...he is 16 i bet)..whos alone in a house with his sis....looks like a bit of home alone...nd Harry  Potter..type adventure...i m sure this film's gonna rock among kids...adults gonna ignore this one...

  15. I think u r right! Seeing the promos, its look like an indian version of home alone!!! And then the title is taken from Harry Potter. Can't they be even a bit original??? They sure have some cheek to enrage HP fans like me!!

  16. ♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥

    well Indian producers hav already copied a lot of Indian muveez b4 so i dont think they'll make a big deal out of it.....


  17. I have to wonder... Do people read what they want and just believe anything?

    The story line is a young boy who is left alone while his parents vacation and he has to defend himself/his home. NOW if anyone knows anything that is the story line from Home Alone. The people who are suing for Hari Puttar have no real grounds. Neither would the people from Home Alone. Hollywood can not touch Bollywood at all. Read up before you go answering questions. I thought the point of this was to give informed answers.

    Legally they have done nothing wrong but capitalize on a successful American name. The lines of ethics in the USA doesn't count in India so therefore they did nothing wrong. Morally.... I could see a problem

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