
Harley Special offer Incentive?

by  |  earlier

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I went into my Dealership in Meredith and looked at a 2008 HD Dyna. The salesguy I talked to said it comes with a limited 2 year prescription to the Anti-depressant of my choice. I asked why and he said because of the bike's low value and high ownership cost.

should I take the deal???





  1. if you tried to buy a harley on the welfare you collect,you wouldnt have any money for the one lightbulb in your trailer

  2. Are you serious???

  3. A 3 story house.....look out....we're in the presence of a king.

  4. It should come with a plow and farm

  5. those anti-depressants are placebos, like harley engines...

    they aren't actually engines, just noisemakers that run on gasoline...

  6. Sounds like a deal to me. I never turn down free drugs!!

  7. Hmmmm. That should have been unlimited.

    You would do well to get the added prescription as well. 3,5,or 7 years.

  8. I'm not  sufficiently familiar with   anti-depressants to know if they could make the deal sweet enough.

    I like the idea of them kicking in a plow, though.

  9. Forget about the bike and save your money if you have a new VW Passat. That thing is gonna cost you a fortune in electrical repairs.

  10. You might be financely set, but mentally I detect a few faults. I would turn down the offer, that VW makes me think you can't affor it financely or emotionally.

  11. LOL, the other day you were after a Hyosung 250.  You need professional help.

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