
Harley bashing?

by Guest63696  |  earlier

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Why is it, that when you read the yahoo answers, there are 20-30 to 1 questions with people having problems with metric bikes vs HD bikes, and yet 3 out of 4 HD questions get answers bashing the bike for quality or reliability or such.

How do the people who bash HD justify that when it's all in front of them.... yeah, reference some post at a biased sport bike page, whoopity doo, you guys never reference a custom bike builders magazine chocked full of bias the other way.

Also, 5 out of 4 people make up statistics on the spot when they are too lazy to figure out what they really are and just want to estimate them.... but you get my point, my numbers won't be terribly out




  1. I ride a Beemer.

    The last new Harley I really took a close look at had electronic ignition, fuel injection, a comfortable seat... I didn't really find anything to bash.

    Oh, and if you ride a 20-year-old Harley that won't start today because of some short somewhere, please don't be all embarassed when I get off the Beemer and walk over to lend a hand. 20-year-old Beemers do that too. We just don't admit it.

  2. it's only a bit of fun, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen...

    some of us bash harleys, many of you bash sport bikes...

    there are plusses and minuses on both sides, but as for myself there are way more plusses in a sport bike, and way more minuses on a cruiser....

    Harley get's the brunt of my wrath because of their owner's attitudes, and the squid appeal...(anyone who knows nothing about bikes automatically assumes harleys are the end-all be-all to motorcycling, when in fact, they are a mediocre machine...)

    Edit: The reporting is childish, honestly...i have a few people blocked for that reason, but only 1 from the motorcycle section...(simon)

    I DO report those stupid "what can a 14 yr old do to make money" questions, but just because they are spammers trying to advertise their stuff, not actual users trying to learn and converse about 2 wheeled motor vehicles...

  3. its the only thing  little kitties can do  ! they know face to face they would run to mommy !

  4. I like the bantering back and forth, as long as the question calls for it.  Once in a while, someone asks a legitimate question.  I'm sure it would be nice for the asker not to have to sift thru a bunch of b.s. to try and find one decent answer.  

    I have noticed the Harley guys are more tolerable than they are.  Usually, when someone gets a good rib on a harley guy, it's all good and just playin around.  But, let the Harley guy get a good jab on them in return and it's violation notice or suspended account time.

  5. Way to be Snoop. I've wondered that myself. 95% of the questions on this site are " how to fix metric bikes" And 95% of the bashing is towards HD.   DUH?

  6. yes he seems like another magz , hope all these wussy squids crash snd burn !

  7. what is don't get is with all the old people who can't see us pulling out in front of us, the kids texting while they drive and running off the road, the cops who pull us over for every little thing and  big brother trying to govern our riding, why we try to drive wedges between our riding community instead of sticking together. united we ride, divided we don't.
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