
Harried parent needs your help?

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My 5 year old son has killed more fish than a red tide. we have been to the pet store and followed all instuctions but within a week they die. what are some hearty fish that might survive?




  1. A five year old is struggling to wipe their own butt, I don't know how you expect him to look after fish.

    Try again when your kid is 12 and can read and understand instructions.

  2.   The thing you should do is get some feeder goldfish or feeder guppies. They are really cheap and you won't be out a lot of cash if / when they die.

      Next set the bowl/ tank up where the child can't reach it but can see it. If he wants to feed them only allow him if one of you is present and keep the food where he can't get to it. Instill in him ( if you can) that playing with the fish like a toy or putting his hands into the bowl/tank will make them very sick and they will die, and when these die there aren't anymore to get. You must stand firm on this and do not get swayed by anything. Giving in to him will only teach him that it doesn't matter what you say he will have it anyway.

       So my advice is to give him one more try and if it fails because of him don't do it again.

        Just in case it isn't him causing the fish to die, check your set up and maintainance procedures. Insure that you are following all of the proper steps to keep the fish healthy. ie. Are you only feeding as much as they can eat in 5 min. , is the water temp. at the proper setting (no need if you have goldfish), is the ph too high or too low. Just a few questions to ask yourself to make sure it isn't the son that is killing them.

       I hope that I have helped you in some way. Good luck 2 you


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